Bulletproof Love

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Kellin's POV

"Juliet, come on. We need to get to the stage. I got 10 minutes to get there. So let's go." I said standing by the door of the bus. "Alright, let me get my shoes on." Juliet yelled back and hopped out with only 1 high heel on. I laughed to myself. "Shut up, Quinn." She laughed. "I'm good, Carolyn." I smiled, her face went dull. "Idiot." She smiled and then tackled me. God, how I missed these times when we were younger...


"Kellin, come on! We need to go to the mall!" Juliet yelled up the stairs, I put my guitar down and ran down the stairs. "Alright, hold on." I said grabbing a coke from the fridge. Juliet's 18th birthday is tomorrow and I promised her I'd get her something. "Okay, I'm ready." I said and walked out the door behind her. "Bye Mom!" We both yelled, and locked the house. She hooked her iPod up to the dock and started to play Alesana "Annabel". She really liked them. "I've already gotten you something." I bluntly said and stopped the car at the mall. "But first, you can get whatever you want. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see what I actually got you." She sighed and got out of the car.

"Let's go into Hot Topic." She said and grabbed my hand. I wasn't afraid to hold my own sister's hand in the mall. I was proud to have her as my sister. "Alright." I said and texted Gabe. I told him to meet us at the mall. I couldn't wait any longer. "Okay, Juls. Do you really wanna know what I got you?" I asked and stopped her in the middle of the mall. "Yeah." She said gently. She had red contacts in that matched her black and red hair. "Okay, close your eyes and hold out your hands." I pulled out the tickets once her eyes were sealed shut. I gently placed them in her palm. "It's not money. It's too heavy. It's..." She opened her eyes, and screamed loudly. "HOLY CRAP! I LOVE YOU." She yelled and tackled me.

~End of Flashback~

I smiled at all the times we had together. When I took her to the Alesana concert, it was the happiest I have ever seen her. 3 months later, we got news that our father passed away. She was devastaed. I mean, I was too. But she took it more hard. Dad and her used to do everything together. "Kellin." Juliet and Vic both yelled. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yo what's up?" I asked startled. "Let's go." She said and hooked her arm around mine and grabbed Vic's hand. We walked to the stage in an awkward silence.

"Hello Salt Lake City! Who's ready to rock?" I yelled into the microphone. We started with Do It Now, Remember It Later. And everyone sang along. It was great. I loved the energy they gave me.

Set List

Do It Now, Remember It Later

A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son

All Of My Heart

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn

With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear

"I wanna thank all of you guys for coming out here today on this, very hot day, and supporting Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, all of the other bands. I love you guys!" I yelled into the microphone and walked off of the stage. "Hey babe." I said hugging Juliet. She giggled, "Hey baybay." It was an inside joke between us. Vic looked at us weird and gave me a bro hug. "Good job out there bro." He said and wrapping his arm back around Juliet. "Thanks man. Let's go eat dinner." I said and walked back to the bus. I told the rest of the guys that we're going to walk to the McDonald's by the arena we were playing at. They all said okay and to bring them back something. I nodded and left.

Juliet's POV

We started to walk to the McDonald's that was about a 5 minute walk from the arena. A few fans stopped us, and asked us for our autographs, and photos, etc. "Juliet, Juliet!" A girl yelled my name. She looked about 14-15 years old. "Yes dear?" I asked smiling at her. "You're my idol, I know you don't really sing in a band or anything, but I've seen your vlogs on youtube and just the advice you give people and everything, it inspires me. I wrote this for you." The girl handed me a little piece of paper with a poem on it.

"She'd sit in front of her computer for hours, taking all the cyberbullying. She'd sit behind the walls of the bathroom stall, taking all the threats. She'd cry in her room, taking the blows from her father. One day she thought, watch videos for advice. She stumbled upon, a very pretty girl. She helped people with their problems, and everything else. She's my inspiration, my motivation. She gave me the strength to stop cutting, she gave me the strength to fight back, she gave me the strength to leave. I thank her in my prayers."

I was crying by the ending of it. I looked at her gently and embraced her in a hug. "Thank you so much. That means a lot to me." I said and gave her another hug. "Here's my number, if you ever need anyone to talk to. Promise me you'll never cut again, and you'll get out of that house." I asked for her phone and typed my number in. "I promise Juliet." She whispered and gave me another hug.

Vic wrapped me in a hug while I silently cried. "Hey, what's wrong?" I handed him the little poem the girl gave me. "Wow, this is just...heartfelt." He whispered and kissed my forehead. We continued to walk to McDonald's. Thankfully no one stopped us. My phone suddenly vibrated.

*Number*: Hey Juliet, it's Ashton. The girl who gave you that poem.

JulietCarolyn: Oh, hello! How are you?

Ashton: I'm good, how about yourself?

JulietCarolyn: I'm pretty great. I really liked the poem, I'm going to hang it up on my wall on the bus once I get back. You're a beautiful, great person.

Ashton: Thank you :') That means a lot coming from you. Well, I have to go. I hope to see you around the venue later.

She was just a great fan. It was great to know that I pretty much saved her life. Vic, Kellin and I reached McDonalds and ordered our food. I watched how fans of them kept coming up to us and asking for photos and autographs. We finished our food and started to walk out.

Kellin, a few feet in front of us; Vic turned to face me. "Juliet, I have a question." Vic said more as a statement. "Yes?" I asked a bit nervous. "Will you be my girlfriend?" The question I never thought I'd hear, I smiled brightly. "Yes Vic, I'd love to be your girlfriend." I said hugging him tightly. Kellin turned around and smiled. I guess he knew that Vic planned to ask me.

I Breathe You In With Smoke(Pierce the Veil & Sleeping with Sirens FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now