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Nina's POV

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Nina's POV

"Shit." I hissed as I quickly lowered my head behind a menu.

"What?" Amber questioned.

"Don't look now, but...behind you." I muttered to her, peeking up from the menu and glancing that him.

Amber then grabbed a menu and started turning slowly to look behind her. I began to slouch down in the booth, as to not be seen, and she slowly peeked up over the top of the leather booth before gasping and turning fast before looking towards me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Is he stalking you now or something? What the fuck is he doing here? Does he know you're here? What the fuck..." Amber shot out quickly.

"How am I suppose to know?! I haven't spoken to him in nearly two months....oh no..." I muttered as he began looking around the small cafe for a place to sit.

I continued to slouch into the booth until Amber yanked me back up and pushed the menu in my face.

"We don't know if he's coming over here. He could be looking for someone. Just....act natural." Amber shrugged and began gaining composure while I remained a hot, panicked mess.

"He's coming this way." I then said. The words escaping my lips before my brain could even process them.

"Brilliant." Amber muttered, rolling her eyes and continuing to look down at her menu.

I moved my menu back up to my face and slightly to the right so he couldn't see my face and would hopefully walk passed without making a fuss.

I moved my menu back up to my face and slightly to the right so he couldn't see my face and would hopefully walk passed without making a fuss

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"Nina?" My heart dropped.

"Shit." I whisper/ muttered to myself and then sighed before placing the menu on the table and looking up at him for the first time in two months.


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