the one where almost everyone is there

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"Fiona?" She heard and looked around, locking eyes on Quill

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"Fiona?" She heard and looked around, locking eyes on Quill.

"You," She snarled, standing up.

"Look at what you've done," she growled, walking towards him, her hair turning white.

"He killed my soulmate," Wuoll pushed out as the sword was pressed to his neck.

"And I watched mine disintegrate before my eyes!" She yelled.

"I am Groot," she heard the tree talk.

"Who is this tree kid and how did he learn those horrendous words?" She asked as they both looked over at him.

"That's Groot, we all try to raise him," Quill answered.

"Fiona this is Groot, Groot, Fiona," Quill introduced, Fiona nodded her head at the tree.

"Nice to meet you," She said and looked back at Quill.

"When this is over I'll try and see if we can't revive her, the time stone should work with that if Thanos' snap didn't destroy it," Fiona answered and Quill nodded. She went back into her normal form, the sword disappearing.

She sighed and looked out as everyone began to look to her.

"Why is everyone looking at me, I don't know the plan, Strange saw it!" She pointed to him.

"I can't make a portal, this world is, straining," Strange frowned and Fiona nodded.

"It's not like we could leave anyway, where's Peter?" She asked.

"Peter is right here," mantis pointed to Quill and Fiona sighed.

"No the other Peter, my soulmate," Fiona said to Mantis who nodded.

"Where is he?" Drax asked and Fiona shut her eyes, trying to keep her cool.

"I don't know Drax, that's why I said we can't leave yet," She explained slowly.

She looked to Quill.

"Are they always like this?" She asked.

"Drax thought if he stood still, he wouldn't be seen," Quill answered.

"We're never getting out of here," Fiona muttered under her breath as she rolled her eyes, looking to Surma.

She used her smoke to change her clothes into the clothes she wore on the field trip, she took off Peters jacket and knelt in front of Surma.

He sniffed it and then the air, looking around and found a direction.

"Signal me when you found him, use this to get him to follow you back," she whispered and opened his mouth, sending smoke into it.

"Go get him," she spoke and he ran off.

"What is he going to do with smoke?" Sam asked.

"Is everyone except star crunch and the dummy bunch aware of the Star Wars movie: A New Hope?" She asked and Quill rolled his eyes.

"Which part?" Sam asked. Fiona leaned forward and stared out

"Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope," Fiona recited and stood up, looking to Sam.

"You two really are soulmates," Strange sighed.

"His Alien plan worked because you're still here so hush!" Fiona pointed to him and his raised his hands in defense.

Fiona sighed and looked at her arms, her spider ran around, trying to find Peter.

"When will this stop?" She asked, frowning at the pain.

"When he's in a closer radius," Wanda smiled weakly and Fiona nodded.

"Well we cant wait for him to make a plan, anyone got any good ideas?" Fiona asked as she looked out at the heros.

"There is someone who I think can help," Sam spoke up, "kind of a legend among us in the Air Force."

"Who?" Fiona asked, all eyes were on Sam.

"Carol Danvers, she crashed into some nuclear plant that blew up and lived, after that she went with shield for something and no one heard from her since," Sam pointed out and Fiona raised an eye brow.

"So how are we going to contact her?" Fiona asked and Sam sighed.

"I don't know," he spoke in a defeated tone.

"Look, Thanos spoke of finally going into his rest when this was over, it's not, but he thinks so, I have reason to believe he's here," Fiona spoke and something in the supers flared, probably anger, "I say we take the fight to that purple thampon."

A few people cringed at her name but nodded, nonetheless, Fiona smiled.

"So how do we fight him and win this time?" Quill asked.

"Same plan we had on Titan, but instead of trying to get the gauntlet, we take his head," she spoke, anger bubbling in her chest at the thought of Thanos resting after his crimes.

"That's a bit gruesome," Bucky frowned.

"Yeah well, he made my soulmate disintegrate, and it's the best plan we have, after that, the gauntlet should free for anyone to use and they can fix this," Fiona spoke, "and I don't mean just anyone, if Sam or Bucky tried using that they'd burn from the inside out, sorry guys, I think either Wanda or I."

They all nodded and she looked to Wanda.

"How's your strength?" She asked the woman.

"Doesn't matter, it needs to be fixed," she said and Fiona sighed.

"It does matter, if you want to get proper revenge you need the proper strength," Fiona pointed.

"Perhaps I could be of assistance," a honey sweet voice spoke up, Fiona looked over, Loki of Asgard standing before her.

"Give is one good reason why we don't kill you?" Sam asked, reaching for a gun in his empty holster.

"Loki?" Fiona asked, stepping forward with a frown.

"Kalma," He bowed, "I see you've connected your hosts soul to yours."

"I see you still find a way to weasel into my life," she glared.

"Darling what happened was a century ago!" He smirked.

"What do you want?" Fiona asked.

"To wield the gauntlet," Loki replied, making Fiona laugh,

"In your dreams, snake," she replied, turning around, and looking to Wanda.

"I swear to you I'm not up to anything," Loki pleaded, grabbing her arm. Fiona snatched it away and turned around, slapping him where he stood.

"Swear to me on your mothers life," she seethed.

"I swear to you on Friggas grave," Loki responded coolly, making Fiona raise an eyebrow.

"Grave?" She asked, Friggas longevity should have kept her alive for another two thousand years.

"A dark elf murdered her while she protected Jane Foster," Loki sighed, making Fiona frown.

"I'm sorry," she patted his arm.

"Check him for his intentions," Fiona turned to Wanda who nodded.

She shut her eyes, her magic invading Loki's mind. He looked over at her as Wanda flinched, pulling back.

"His intentions are pure," She announced and Fiona nodded.

"Alright, here's the plan."

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