the one with a search

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Fiona stood in front of the storage building, Jessica Jones by her side as Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers came out of the shadows with Wanda

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Fiona stood in front of the storage building, Jessica Jones by her side as Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers came out of the shadows with Wanda.

"Got your call," Steve said, Fiona smiled as she gave Wanda a quick hug.

"How have you guys been?" Fiona asked and Sam shrugged.

"Still hated by the UN and senator Ross," he replied.

Fiona pointed to Jessica.

"This is Jessica Jones, really cool, helped me find this guy and Jodie," Fiona introduced.

Steve nodded to Jessica and turned to the storage units.

"Which one?" He asked and Fiona frowned.

"That's problem, we don't know, this place got shut down because drug dealers were using it to sell their stuff, few people were murdered," Fiona sighed, "it's trespassing to come out here but the police don't come around because they'll get shot."

Steve sighed and looked at the group.

"Fiona, Peter and I will take the left, Wanda, Jessica and Sam will take the right, it's a huge place so if someone screams it won't be heard, use these," Steve commanded, passing out the comma that Tony made for them as a peace offering between the two.

Fiona put one in, turning it on.

"Everyone good?" Steve asked as the comms were put in. They all nodded and split up. They snuck in and started working their way through, opening each and every storage unit.

"How did this case even find you?" Steve asked, confused as to how Fiona got caught up in abandoned police work.

"I was visiting an old soulmate from my last life when he found me," she sighed and Steve nodded, opening the storage unit, more unclaimed junk that seemed to be rummaged through.

Fiona sighed as they continued their search. They normally stay quiet, trying to see if they could hear something. But Fiona seemed feel even worse. She was on the verge of throwing up and she could feel the cold drops of sweat as her face grew hot.

"You okay?" Steve asked, shining his light in her face, it was whiter than usual and she looked overall terribly sick.

"I don't know, I tapped into Jeremy and Jodie's soulmate connection, their generation shared the same feelings, she's either scared to death or on the verge of dying, and I don't like either so we need to find her now," Fiona frowned.

Steve nodded, picking up the pace as they made their way to the back. Fiona stumbled to the last unit, throwing it open to find blood covering the floor, the back wall had the same map that she saw in Ethan's room.

Fiona shuddered. There was a new spot on the map, she frowned, looking around.

"Central Park?" Steve asked, sighing and pressing the comm.

"Come to unit j twenty-four," Steve spoke, Fiona looked down, walking over to try and get a better look but also wanted to avoid stepping in what she assumes to be Jodie's blood.

Fiona was sick to her stomach as she noticed handprints and streaks in blood on the floor. She studied the map and noticed tiny handwriting. She squinted, leaning in with the flashlight and gasped as she read it.

"Holy shit," Jessica said as she walked over, noticing all the blood.

"We have to go," Fiona said, running out, this time ignoring the blood and smoking out, flying to Central Park. She landed at the entrance, screaming for Jodie.

People looked at her with confusion, interested in why she was running around Central Park like a madwoman. What they didn't know was that Fiona feared she was too late.

They didn't know Steve Rogers was on his way.

And what Jodie didn't know was that her hero didn't give up on her.

Fiona ran down to the woods, sure to find something hidden. Or someone. That's when she was punched in the gut, the contents coming out before them as the attacker groaned in disgust. She stood back up, summoning her staff and cracked him in the temple. She turned as footsteps were chased down on her.

Fiona straightened up, her heart picking up its pace and she heard a scream nearby.

"Jodie!" Fiona screamed back, following the sound, smoking out and flying faster to the noise until a gunshot rang out and the screaming abruptly stopped.

Fiona materialized as she stumbled upon Ethan standing over Jodie's body, gun in his shaking hand as she laid peacefully with a gunshot wound in her head.

"You slimy bastard!" Fiona bellowed, tackling him and pinning him down.

She beat his face in to the point her knuckles were breaking and his bones cracked and all she saw was red as the man smirked which seemed to make her angrier.

Fiona screamed out in rage, doing everything she could to make him feel pain.

"You won't kill him," he laughed, Fiona smirked.

"You bet your ass I will," she laughed, a menacing look washed down her face as she wrapped her hands around his throat, watching as the air was trapped in his lungs.

Fiona liked watching the man squirm as he tried clawing at her boot, she trapped his feet down with her smoke. She watched his face turn purple and his eyes bulge out of his head before he finally passed out. Fiona waited a minute longer, wanting to be sure that the heart of Ethan Harrison would never beat again.

And Kalma got exactly what she wanted.

short chapter.

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