C h a p t e r T w e n t y T w o

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Mackenzie let a tear drop from her eye. She was currently standing in her empty room. The only things in it were two boxes and an empty bed frame.

She hadn't really let it sink in that she was moving. Moving away from the town that she had lived in for 17 years.

"Mackenzie?" She softly heard someone say. She slowly turned around to see Maddie leaning on the door way. "You ok?" Maddie asked her. "No!" Mackenzie sighed. "I don't think I can do this".

"Oh Kenz!" Maddie exclaimed hugging her younger sister. "T-too much things h-have happened!" Mackenzie cried onto her older sisters shoulder. "Mackenzie, we'll be back, it's not forever," Maddie said trying to comfort her.

"I-I guess!" Mackenzie said pulling away from the hug. "Now, you have people to say goodbye to and a very special boy to see!" Maddie smiled wiping away Mackenzie's tears.

Mackenzie smiled and hugged the taller girl one last time. "Thank you!" She laughed before grabbing her phone and running down the stairs.

Taking a deep breath Mackenzie knocked on the door. "Kenzie!" The blonde replied hugging her. "Call everyone, I'm leaving tonight!" Mackenzie told her. The blonde nodded and took out her phone texting everyone to get to her house as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Mackenzie anxiously sat on the couch. "Do you want water?" The girl asked. Mackenzie nodded. After a few second the girl handed Mackenzie a glass of water and sat beside her.

"Brynn I'm nervous!" Mackenzie told her. "Kenz, we all understand it's an opportunity that your family can't miss, you'll be home abd you never know, maybe we could visit you!" Brynn consoled the girl beside her.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Brynn quickly stood up and let the people come in. Everyone sat in the living room. "I called you all here today because Mackenzie is leaving tonight!" Brynn told he group in front of her.

"Mackenzie!" Annie shouted hugging her tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much Anns!" She cried.

Next up was Carson. "I'll miss you Mack," he smirked giving her a quick hug. "I'll miss you too CarSun," she teased.

"You're still going to help me!" Hayden Warned hugging her. "Of course!" Mackenzie laughed "I'll miss you".

"Kenzie I'm going to miss you soooo much!" Lauren told her hugging her tightly. "I'm going to miss you even more Lolo!" Mackenzie told the girl.

"Thanks for being an amazing best friend!" Brynn told her. "Says the one, I'll miss you too much!" Mackenzie cried hugging Brynn. "We have FaceTime!" Brynn joked.

Finally there stood John staring at his girlfriend. Fresh tears falling down her face covering the ones that had already dried. "I love you!" Johnny told her kissing her sweetly. "I love you Johnny!" Mackenzie explained when they pulled away.

"You guys are dating?" Hayden asked eyes wide. Johnny nodded. "Oh wow!" Brynn smiled hugging them. Within a second everyone else had jumped into the hug. "I'm going to miss this so much!" Mackenzie sighed sadly hugging her best friends tightly.

"All Of us will be together again someday!" Carson told them. "We have to promise one thing!" Annie shouted. "No matter what happens after this, all of will be friends, when Mackenzie comes home we'll reunite with each other, even just for 5 minutes, we'll love each other again!" Annie explained. "You make it seem like we'll all fall out," Johnny laughed. Annie just glared at him.

"I promise!" Mackenzie smiled. "I promise!" Hayden said. "I promise!" Lauren sinned hugging Annie. "I promise!" Hayden laughed gently. "I promise!" Brynn smiled happily. "I promise!" Johnny declared. "I promise!" Annie smiled hugging all of her friends.

And then Mackenzie Ziegler walked out of Brynn Rumfallo's door. Walked out of the small town that she had loved. Walked out of her friends lives. Walked out of a life that had treated her so fairly, to be thrown into one that Would Change everything forever.

8 months later

Mackenzie has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Lauren has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Johnny has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Brynn has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Carson has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Annie has left "The Cool Kids😎"
Hayden: Looks like we broke our promises
Are you sure you want to delete "The Cool Kids😎" group chat? Deleting the chat will delete all messages and pictures
Hayden has deleted "The Cool Kids😎" group chat

And it's over
Bet you weren't expecting that!
Thank you sooo much for reading
It means the entire world to me
But don't worry guys I would never leave yas hanging
The sequel to "Groupchat" will be up now!
It's called "Broken Promises"
I never thought that this story would do so well
Especially as I made it out of boredom
Love all of you guys so much! 💘

This story ended with
7.01k reads
224 votes
Highest ranking:
2 in #CarsonLueders
I started this book on 5/7/18
I finished this book on 7/8/18
With 22 chapters

Thank you for the amazing support❤️

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