Part 1

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"This is such a terrible idea." you groaned as you followed after your friends.

"Will you stop being such a cock-block already?" one of your friends asked and you rolled your eyes.

"If a cock-block to you means having some actual sense in me, then no. What we're doing is simply reckless, don't you see that!?" you tried to keep yourself from raising your voice.

"Oh come (Y/n/n) just live a little! It's not the first time we're going to a bar after sneaking out in the middle of the night!"

"She's right, stop complaining and relax! Just enjoy this!" she threw an arm over your shoulders and you shook your head in disbelief.

"Sure and then as a ghost I'll say to my parents, mom, dad, don't cry that I died just know I enjoyed it!" you said full of sarcasm, glaring at your friend.

"Geez (Y/n) you're not gonna die tonight, relax! It's just a bar like any other." she shrugged.

"Do you need me to point out for like the millionth time that there was dead body found here just last night?!" you looked at them with wide eyes "It was all over the news!"

"Really? Cause I don't see one here." she giggled and you glared at her.

"I'm serious about this! That place in there is full off not just asshole Betas. There are killers in there and there are Alphas that I- I don't wanna think what they're capable of." you shuddered but they just brushed it off "There is no place for Omegas in there, the second they catch smell of us we're screwed! Come on, let's just go back."

"Oh please (Y/n), some of us may be Omegas but they're not gonna be all over us just for that! We lived in a country with laws, we don't just act like animals whenever we want to."

"Some Alphas do." you chewed on your lower lip "I tell you doing this is not a good idea, if we've got some asshole Alpha on our tail after this-"

"We'll deal with it, hush now. Plus, who knows maybe we'll end up being lucky instead tonight and find some cute Alpha to take back home."

"At the age of twenty and this is what my life has come to." you shook your head.

"Yet you still haven't left or run away, so that proves a point!"

"It proves the point that I care about you and don't wanna lose my friends!" you retorted.

"Or there is a pull! There is something stronger, in there, probably your own Alpha waiting for you walk in and rock his world! Both literally and metaphorically!" she giggled as you rolled your eyes.

"Just shut up, you'll love it you'll see. Black Spur is the best choice for tonight, and we're about to get in!" and with an ever so dramatic move she pushed the door open, all of your friends giggling and laughing as a laugh slipped from your lips. You were a little overwhelmed as it usually happened with any bar when the door first opened, but it wasn't unpleasant in the least bit. If anything you could actually say that if it wasn't for what you'd found out you would probably show up regularly here.

There were enough people around you, both men and women. Different scent letting you know that thankfully there were already a few Omegas around, like the blonde waitress herself who offered you a small smile as you entered. Your eyes moved all around and you did notice a couple men already staring at you, in an all too familiar way. Being young, unmated Omegas certainly made plenty of heads turn when you walked in a place. Those men were no exception, and they just screamed asshole Alpha in all kinds of ways. It made your skin crawl but you knew the best option was to not challenge them any further by continuing your staring. You recognized a couple Betas in the crowd as well, their scent being more subtle.

Yes, Omega - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now