Part 2

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"And now, let me ask you little one-" he grinned, very entertained by all this, tilting his head "How do you know such a thing? Something as beautiful, innocent and pure as you shouldn't know of all the darkness around her, should you?"

"Wh-what-" your voice got caught in your throat and your heart twisted painfully inside your chest as you stared at black abyss that were his eyes. Your Alpha's eyes, or at least a man who was supposed to be your Alpha because the person on the wheel was your worst nightmare "No" you choked out, backing away from him even if you didn't have anywhere to go. He tilted his head to the side, his smile slightly having fallen.

"No, no no. You can't- It can't be. It's not real, no." you closed your eyes facing away from him and as much as he hated it, Dean caught himself not smiling in the least bit but actually frowning.

"Isn't it?" he raised an eyebrow, voice dead serious "You said it yourself, demons exist, sweetheart. And you've got yourself one."

"No" you almost growled, tears having welled up in your eyes at the sick game life was playing on you, letting you find your Alpha only to realize you never had "No, let m-me go. Let me go! Leave, go- go away from me!" you screamed, struggling and pushing his body away as hard as you could. He didn't even budge but you kept trying to push him away, not daring to even look at him.

"(Y/n)" his voice was husky and it shook you to the core, your body naturally reacting to his voice "Don't make me do this." he warned but despite every instinct in you, despite how every cell in your body screamed for him and wanted to melt right in his arms you gave him another push.

"Don't touch me!" you hissed and gosh, never had any words felt this wrong coming from your lips when everything inside you screamed for your Alpha to touch you... in so many more ways than appropriate, especially in public and especially for this moment. Stupid biology.

"What?" he almost growled, clenching his jaw as your words took him by surprise. You found the opportunity to push him away and escape from his arms and despite how bad you wanted to go back to him.

"(Y/n). (Y/n)!" you heard his voice call out for you but although it slowed you down, you did stop pacing as fast as you could away from him "Omega!" his commanding voice although lower than any other time was very effective in making you stop in your tracks. You cursed at your body having a mind of its own and even more your own biology for obeying without a second thought.

He approached you to stand right in front of you but you wouldn't face him so you heard a deep rumble leave his throat "I told you not to make me do this, commanding you is not what I wanted." his voice was rough and the closer he got to you the harder your breathing became "(Y/n), look up. Face me, come on." and although it took all of your strength and will you actually didn't. Maybe the fear you felt inside you, that mixed with the heartbreak and sadness, could overshadow any natural rule after all.

"Look at me, (Y/n)." his voice got dangerously lower "Omega, I said look at me!" he growled and you couldn't help but slowly tilt your head up to face him. The only good thing about it was that his eyes were back to that green color that made your heart skip a beat or two.

He let out a frustrated sigh, taking hold of your chin with one hand and bringing his face closer to yours, his eyes moving back and forth as he studied you "Look at me and tell me, what do you see? What do you see, (Y/n)?"

A small whimper left your lips but as bad as you felt you didn't know if it was because of fear or because of how hot and bothered he had you with that look in his eyes, and not only "A-Alpha" you answered without leaving any room for your mind to think logically "My Alpha."

The corner of his lips tucked into a small smile, very pleased with your response, as he nodded his head. He leaned in, letting go of your shin as his one hand found your hip and the other the back of your neck. You felt his nose brush over the skin of your neck as he took in your scent and you literally felt yourself shiver when his own scent invaded you.

Yes, Omega - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now