Part 5

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"For... for how long?" you asked softly, pulling away and he shrugged.

"I don't really think I plan on coming back anytime soon." he said casually and you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.

"So you already have made up your mind, I see." you got up from his lap but he didn't let you go very far away before he took hold of your arm and gave you a firm look with a clenched jaw that meant he didn't like even a few inches of distance between you.

"You're going to leave no matter what." you muttered and he shrugged to verify your thoughts "So what... if I had not come here, would you have just ran away without me? Without even telling me a thing, without a warning. A- and I'd only be left to wonder what exactly?"

"Sweetheart, that's what you don't get." he licked his lips, getting on his feet to face you "There is no you anymore, or me for that matter." he shrugged "Just us. I'm not letting you out of my sight or reach, especially for other asshole Alphas to think you can be theirs. Mark or not on your neck, you are mine, and I plan to take good care of you. I wouldn't run away without telling you, no, because I want my Omega by my side and that's what it will be, one way or another, and it's not something I will negotiate with anyone."

"Not even... with me?" you did feel some sort of relief to know that he wasn't going to abandon you like that but at the same time you felt worried.

"That depends..." he brought a hand to run his thumb over your cheek and leaning down on the other side to bury his face in the crook of your neck, his lips brushing over your skin "Do you plan on negotiating? Or even saying no?"

Even if it wasn't for his close proximity you knew your reaction would be the exact same. You felt the fear of gods in you at the prospect of being away from him for more than a day. Your body ached for his touch, for his presence next to you, every cell in you needed him and you knew that once he laid a mark on you then you would reach out for him every second.

"I'm not that kind of Alpha, (Y/n)." he straightened his back, locking eyes with you "I ain't gonna boss you around and order you like you're some object or treat you as if you're only some piece of meat, demon or not. But we both know that we crave each other so bad that-"

"Give me some time." you whispered in a weak voice, cutting him off and he raised an eyebrow "Give me some to... gather some things and tell my parents, find an excuse, I don't want them to get worried."

A smirk played on his lips before he crashed his lips to yours and mumbled "Deal"


To say it had taken no arguing or struggle to covnince your parents would be a big lie. It had taken plenty and plenty of it, and the lingering scent of Alpha on you had not helped in the situation at all. If only they knew what your Alpha really was they wouldn't have given in in the end when you pleaded with them. And you didn't blame them, because you had doubts of your own from the first moment you agreed to it.

However, once you entered the Impala and Dean's scent enveloped you, you instantly felt at home and forgot everything.

The drive had been a long one and you got tired pretty fast. With Dean – and maybe you as well – not wanting you to take the backseat you ended up falling asleep with your head resting on his thigh as he drove and one of his hands was playing with your hair.

His phone ringing was the first thing you registered that woke you up but you tried to ignore it as you shifted to get more comfortable close to your Alpha.

A soft chuckle left his lips "Easy, Omega. I'm here." he gave your shoulder a small squeeze before he let go to take hold of the phone.

Glancing at the screen his smirk fluttered for a second "I left you and open tab at the bar. Knock yourself out." he still said smugly and the tone in his voice peaked your interest. You knew you were running away, you understood from the first moment that he wanted to avoid someone – you weren't that stupid or taken by him to forget what he really was capable of to others at least – but you still were curious to find out who. You didn't open your eyes but did keep listening, whether he liked it or not.

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