Part 4

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"Siblings?" he asked in a gruff voice and raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his seat with what could only be described as a suspicious look.

"Yeah" you gave him a nervous smile "You know, a sister or... brother?" your voice came out in a whisper "You never told me too much, and I know that the whole feelings business is not a demon's thing, but demon or not you're..." you looked down at your hands "I'm your Omega and I want to know you better."

"Hm" he hummed, nodding his head "Well, listen here, baby girl." he leaned in, resting his elbows on the table "I didn't hide what I am from... pretty much the first moment. I told you something that none of them know because unlike any other time... this will last, I'll make sure of that. You are important, I'm not gonna deny it, but even more you are mineand I ain't planning on letting you go anytime soon... if ever to begin with."

"A-and what is that supposed to mean?" you asked in a hesitant voice, not ready to challenge him, but still disappointed that he wasn't willing to speak about it.

"Mans that-" he licked his lips, giving you a half smile "I might be fighting against every fiber in my fucking body from just slamming you down on this table and claiming you right here and now and-" he took a deep breath, his eyes shamelessly roaming your body and you had to look away with a blush on your cheek "You really want that too, don't ya?" he smirked and you cleared your throat.

"But-" the word caught your attention "But my past is just that, the past. Done and over with, and I ain't gonna chit chat about it. Whether I have a brother or not doesn't matter now or ever because the man who had a brother is gone, you're staring at a demon and frankly- You don't need to bother your pretty little head with that. You don't even know all the shades of fucked up a man can be, no need to find it out with me." a small growl left his lips but this time it wasn't your Alpha but the demon coming through, almost trying to scare you and therefore stop you from getting more involved. But that only made you even more determined. He downed one of the shots and look at you.

"And what if I want to?" you whispered, more hurt by his words than you thought you'd be, tilting your head "I'm not as innocent or weak as you might think, Dean. I can take more than you have me capable of."

"You..." his eyes moved back and forth as he stared intensely at you "Already, know all you need to know about me, sweetheart, and the most important is that... I'm fucking crazy about you. But-" he downed the other one "You won't be able to use that to your advantage this time. So better end this conversation now and let us both enjoy this, otherwise..."

"No, Alpha!" you breathed out in a hurry, placing a hand over his to stop him from getting up. If you weren't so worried and nearly desperate yourself, you would have noticed the way his shoulders relaxed when you reached out for him.

"No, I'm... sorry." you held his gaze "Maybe it's a little too early and I'm- I'm not here to open new wounds or even old ones. I knew what I signed up for when I didn't walk away last night, it'll just take some time for everything to set in that's all... 's not like your buddy's helping anyway." you mumbled and a frown set on his face as his eyes darkened dangerously so.

"Did he-" he started in a very dangerously low voice but you shook your head.

"No, no he didn't. Really. It's just that his mere presence and the way he's looking at me... as if I'm ruining some grand plan of his, is just unsettling. Added to the fact that he's a demon and an Alpha... but I'm probably just overcomplicatedthings."

"No" he said firmly "No you're not. But it doesn't matter, not now at least. And don't worry, I'll deal with it and make sure nobody... and nothing bothers you again." he glanced at the demon far away but still in sight before looking back at you "Alright little one?"

Yes, Omega - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now