Part 8 - The End

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"So this is his room." you whispered, taking a few steps inside Dean's room as Sam stood at the door.

"Yeah. I don't know how much he's told you about himself, other than his life story, so I guess the best way to figure out as much as you can about him... about human Dean, the hunter, the brother-" he stopped himself, clearing his throat "The best way to figure him out is by spending some time in here. Will help you get your mind off everything for some time, you deserve it."

"No more so than you." you whispered, meeting his eyes "You look terrible, Sam, how long will this go on?"

"I honestly don't know that." he sighed, dragging a hand down his face "Don't worry about me, just take some time off, and Dean... he'll be fine. And when he's himself again you can officially move in here too."

"We don't really know if he's gonna ask me that. I mean I don't even have his claim on my neck to begin with." you rubbed your neck, eyes casting down at the left-over pie, next to some forgotten burgers and fries, which made a small smile tug at the corners of your lips. It was your favorite flavor.

"Why would you think that?"

You shrugged, sitting on the end of his bed "It's just that... Dean told me that if he turned back to human he'd just put distance between us. That he'd much rather suffer without his Omega than put me in danger a-and I'm very sure that it's really his thing to do that."

"(Y/n) no, he- he just told it scare you. Put you off from trying to cure him. Trust me, if there is one thing I am sure my brother will do is not let go of you. (Y/n) you're not just a keeper but Dean's soulmate. He is an idiot, yes, but he knows that I'll give him hell if he thinks of pushing you away for 'Your own good' instead of just act on his feelings."

"You would?" you laughed softly and he gave you a tired grin.

"Of course. You're family now." he said softly, watching you study every little detail of Dean's room to take in as much of it as you could, before clearing his throat "I'll uh- I'll go check on him, make sure he's ok and in his place. You uh you can do anything you want just stay away from the box he keeps under his bed."

"Box- why?" you blinked and he shrugged.

"Let's just uh say that it is too early to learn about Dean's taste in that subject, yet." he said a little uncomfortably and you couldn't stop a giggle from leaving your lips.

"I see, porn huh?" you grinned "Why must all you guys hide and treasure it like it's the world's biggest treasure? Are my eyes gonna burn after what I see?" you asked and he shrugged "Must say, Sammy, you actually got me more intrigued than scared right now. Who knows, I will probably take a peak. After all you can tell a lot about a person from their hidden porn collection." you said with a soft giggle and Sam shook his head with a fond smile.

"Well, you really are Dean's Omega after all." he breathed out before he closed the door softly behind him, leaving you in peace to take a look around Dean's room. Although you didn't know how right or wrong this was, you actually enjoyed more than anything laying down on his bed and burying your face in his pillow to take in his scent that was exactly the same to the one you loved in him with a hint of something you couldn't pinpoint but you were sure was there because he was human and not a demon, the way you knew him.

"I am. I always was." he heard you whisper softly, before closing the door for good.

The words hurt him deeper than he imagined they would. You were too young and innocent of all of this darkness and pain that surrounded them that he didn't know who he should blame the most, his brother or himself. Sam paused for a moment, thinking of his latest talk with his brother. He had tried to be strong for you, and he had been the most brave and optimistic he'd ever been since all of this started but he couldn't deny the truth not at least to himself. He wa scared he was more killing his brother more than doing him well and he knew for sure that you didn't deserve that.

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