Chapter 1

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The night was still young. Aaron, Aphmau, Kawaii Chan and Zane where all on their way back to Aphmau and Aaron's house to continue their double date with a movie or a board game.
The clear smell of rain was in the air from just a few minutes before.
They had just finished eating dinner at a new restrant that had opened recently, called 'Freddy's'. Aphmau was desperately hoping that it had nothing to do with a certain past application. Luckily it didn't.

Now they are all bundled in Aarons new car that Aphmau begged to ride to the resterant in. Aphmau sits in the passenger seat, looking back in the rearveiw mirror at Zane and KC every now and then.

Zane inches his hand to Kawaii Chan's and lightly holds it. Kawaii~Chan turns her gaze to Zane. She looks as if she had something she wanted to discuss. " Zane. I'm going to visit my Grandma down in colorado again next week...."She hesitates "Kawaii~Chan told her Grandma that you would be coming because Grandma really wants to meet you and-" Zane cuts Kawaii~Chan off.

"What...." He runs his fingers through his hair in thought for a moment and finally responds with an irritated sigh "Next week- Kawaii~Chan! You can't just spring something like this on me and not even ask for my consent.! What about our plans? You KNOW that I've been waiting weeks for the My Little Horsies marathon next week-".
Kawaii~Chan frowns "I know but-" Zane continues over KC. "I've been telling you about this nonstop. About the special episode that doesn't get reruns! Come on. Ive been looking forwards to watching this with you!"
Kawaii~Chan is about to Argue back but he continues on with a question. "Can't we choose a different week?"

Kawaii~Chan scrunches up her face, with a little irritated scowl. "Agh-! No! We can't go a different week! Just let me finish-" Zane butts in again "I always skip out on things for you. Why can't we do this for me?"

She retorts with a low cat like growl. "BECAUSE-" "I don't want to go then!" Zane was heated about his MLH. How could she overlook something he was so excited about for so long and she was willing to skip it simply because she didn't want to switch around her schedule.

"Agh! You don't get it! Stop running your mouth and let me finish!" Her voice is taking in a higher pitch. Showing her frustration.

"Uh Guys. Are you ok-" Aphmau is looking in the rearview mirror.
"You're distracting the driver" Aaron looks in the rearview mirror for a moment.

The two where now bickering over eachother. Their words just blurring together. Aphmau leaned around to help settle the arguement.

In Aaron's distraction, he doesn't notice the car that had suddenly reered in front of them until it was to late and he couldn't hit the brake without crashing, so Aaron spun the wheel, taking a hard left. The car spun and slid across the wet cement. Kawaii~Chan and Zane clutch to eachother, Screaming. Aphmau cries out as well, curling into a ball, and Aaron holds on for dear life. Suddenly the car charges right into a building and the lights go out.

"And so their journey begins"


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this little fanfiction esc story. I will inclide Romance, Drama, Action and possibly Horror. It will certainly be a Rollercoaster of events.

I hope you enjoy and vote or comment if you like it! It brings me inspiration everytime I get a possitive review!

Enjoy your day (๑¯ω¯๑)

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