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// i just want to point out that none of this book has been edited so far. but thank you all so much for reading, ily//

the third friday (part 2)


calum was a little late, the boys were teasing him before he came out, but he just hoped asia wouldn't notice. or if she did, she wouldn't ask. calum didn't want to tell her about his feelings for her by telling her that his friends were making fun of him.

the dark haired boy walked out his car, only having to bear the cold for a few seconds until he was in the fast-food restaurant. he swaggered in, smiling when he noticed asia pointing at him. when she approached she told him he had to kiss her cheek. he did so, asking why but not caring as he was just happy he got to achieve physical contact with her.

"so, why did i have to do that?" calum asked, sitting down across from asia. she grabbed his hand started to play with it.

"oh, sorry," she apologised. she started to pull her hand away but calum covered both of them with his own. she blushed, "erm, the guy at the counter asked for my number so i told him you were my boyfriend."

the name made calum's heart flutter, he tried his best not to make a big deal out of it. it was harmless, but it still made calum feel something for the girl, something he hadn't felt in a long time. "i'm your boyfriend now, am i?"

"no- well, no!" calum found asia's stuttering absolutely adorable.

"ok," calum winked. he decided that it would be nice to get some food, now that he had been sitting for a little while. he got up, his hands sliding out of asia's grip. "do you want anything, girlfriend?" he carried on his joke. he didn't find it funny but he loved the reaction he got out of asia. he loved the way her cheeks, ears and neck heated up and her lips pursed.

asia shook her head, letting calum know he could go. he walked up to the guy behind the register, trying not to laugh. he kind of wanted to feel bad for the boy but he just couldn't, it was hilarious.

"a black coffee, please," calum handed the guy over a £5 note.

"sure." dylan rolled his eyes, snatching the money off of calum. the latter scoffed, rolling his own brown, puppy dog eyes. "what?" dylan snapped. calum obviously knew that he was jealous. he liked asia but she had told him that calum and her were dating. of course he was going to be jealous.

"i heard you asked out my girlfriend," calum teased, a playful but stern tone.

"your girlfriend?" dylan chuckled, his voiced laced with seriousness, not finding the humour in the situation. "yeah, right."

"oh, so you didn't ask for her number then?" at the same time, both boys turned their heads round to look at asia. she was watching them, her arm holding her chin up. at that moment, calum could have said she'd never looked more beautiful (even though, he'd only known her for 3 weeks). calum grinned when she raised her hand, waving.

"thanks for the coffee." calum said, "oh, and flirt with my girlfriend again and you'll get a black eye." he warned, grabbing his coffee cup and storming off, a smirk gracing his lips. he knew that it was immature of him to threaten the dude, asia wasn't even his girlfriend for goodness sake. but when you like a girl that much, you won't let anything get in the way.

calum knew he liked asia the second he first spoke to her but he didn't admit it until last wednesday. ash and him were talking and he couldn't remember exactly as to how they got to the conversation, but ashton said something about a hot girl he saw today. calum mumbled that no one could be hotter than asia- the girl from mcdonalds. ashton told him he was whipped and after a few minutes of mindless arguing, calum admitted that he- may- be- a little- whipped. of course, he was lying; he was completely and utterly whipped.

"what did you say?" asia questioned when he sat down.

calum tried not to laugh, thinking back to the events of moments before. "oh, nothing. anyway, i was wondering..." he trailed off, not sure if he should really ask. what if she rejected him? and in front of the prick behind the register! that would just be embarrassing!

"wondering about what?" asia asked.

calum took a deep breath, taking asia's hand in his. he played with her fingers, feeling asia smile down at him. "ah, well, i was wondering. could i have your number?"

asia hummed in response, making calum's heart beat faster than it already was. he wasn't sure what her answer would be, whether she would say: yes; she would love to get know calum more or no; she was fine with just meeting up on a friday night. or maybe, she wasn't listening at all.

"asia!" calum groaned, surprised by the powerfulness of his own voice. "sorry. erm- i was wondering if i could have your number? i mean, we only really talk on a friday night. i want to know about your family, friends, school. i want to know about your favourite bands, colour, song, movie. i want to know everything about you and i just thought we could text as well now." he rambled, blushing because he knew that he was droning on but he couldn't stop. he just wanted to convince asia to say yes.

"ok, calum, ok. here, give me your phone," asia held out her hand, beckoning him to hand over his phone. he did so and she typed her number into it.

"i texted myself, so now i have your number too." asia grinned. calum blushed and thanked her.

"i'll text you tomorrow then?" calum asked, standing up. their little meetings never lasted long, half an hour. it's only because they met up so late at night and they were always both so tired. another reason as to why they should be texting and meeting up whenever.

asia nodded, standing up herself. calum pulled her in for a hug, resting his chin atop of her head. she wrapped her own arms around his torso, nuzzling her face into his chest.

"bye calum," she whispered, pulling away. "text me," she didn't mean it to come out as an order and calum knew that, so none of them brought it up.

"you know, i don't even know what age you are. for all i know, you could be years younger and i could be a pedophile." calum joked, winking at her as he took her hand in his. they started walking out to their cars.

"i'm 18, calum," she rolled her eyes, smiling at him so he knew she was joking.

"oh, thank god," he pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead.

"okay, you!" she playfully shoving him. what she didn't know was that she was strong, making him stumble over but catch his balance at the last second. "i'll see you soon?" she asked, leaning up to kiss calum's warm cheek.

he nodded, "of course."

"bye," she said, slowly backing out of his grip. she didn't want to leave, now that she knew he liked him as more than a friend.

"bye, love," he winked, opening the door his car. he got inside but waited to make sure asia got into her car ok and left.

man, he was whipped for the girl he met at 1am in mcdonalds.

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