Heavy in Your Arms

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OK. so just saying this is my first story on Wattpad and I'm not sure if it's any good. So pleeeeease comment and be as harsh and critical as you can be because I don't offend that easily and I really want this to turn out better than it starts out. Also I'll probably be going back and editing every once and a while so if something changes I'll be sure to let you know and explain what i changed and why.

Aaaaaalso i changed the character of Grams.  She was originaly named Grandma Sniggles.  So if you see that name anywhere it's actually Grams.  Also i might mess up on present tense and past tense so pretty please point it out if you see any mistakes.

here we go!

picture: Damian and Lillee kissing 


I had tears in my eyes.  He was leaving me.  I’ve already had too much pain from loss in my life.  I was only 13 for goodness sakes.  I didn’t need more. 

“I’m so sorry Lillee.  If there was any way that I could stay…” 

I turned my back to him.  I didn’t want him to see me cry.  I couldn’t let him see that he had hurt me. I knew that he had to leave because he was a werewolf and his father had to go back to their pack, but I didn’t understand why I had to have fallen in love with him.  He had told me that I was his mate and that that made us soul mates but if that was true then why was he leaving me?  I wanted him to stay with me but I knew he couldn’t. His father needed to go back to his pack.  They were only here because his father was an alpha and he was here for business.  And even though we were mates he still had to go back with his father and I had to stay here. 

He came around to face me and hugged me knowing that I felt the shock waves at his touch making me melt into his arms.  I never wanted him to let me go. I wanted the embrace to last forever.  He held me close and finally, I let my sobs break through. 

I had never cried in front of anyone before.  But him leaving me pushed me over the top and now it was all coming out.  I cried out of loss for never knowing my mother and father who died at sea when I was a baby, I cried out of longing for my grandmother who died of cancer when I was five, I cried out of rejection from my guardian who didn’t want me, I cried out of appreciation for Grams who loved me and took care of me, I cried out of hopelessness for him, because he was leaving me again and never coming back, but most of all I cried out of disappointment in myself for crying in front of him. 

By then it was raining, just like the weather man had said it would and when I was all cried out and my eyes were red and puffy and my face red and blotchy, he pulled me out of the embrace, took my face in his hands and looked at me with sorrow seeping out of him through his eyes that darkened as he saw more tears form in my eyes. he slowly put his lips next to my ear and whispered, “I love you Lillee Vally, forever.” Then he pulled my face up to meet his and kissed me on the lips his eyes briefly flashing gold. 

After that kiss I knew that I was his. I could never love anybody else as long as I lived.  Even if it meant waiting forever to be with him.  I’d wait.  I’d wait forever.

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