chapter 5

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picture: Damian

Talk about awkward. As we walk through the crowd he guides me through the mobs of people. Everyone stares at me, probably wondering how a loser like me could have any chance with someone so attractive.

When we find Lacey and Elaina they stare at me like I have three heads. And why not? A complete stranger (at least to them) has his arms wrapped around my waist and is holding my hands. They probably think I'm a whore or his prisoner. But they look at him as if he were a piece of candy just waiting to be unwrapped.  

I look over at Kade to see him staring at us, jealously burning in his eyes that were flashing gold every once in a while making me feel very uncomfortable, like I shouldn't let Damian throw himself all over me. It didn't seem to be bothering Damian as much as it bothered me though. If he hadn’t tightened his grip on my waist I would’ve thought he didn’t even notice.

"so... Lillee, who's this?" I just stared at her in disbelief.  Was Lacey really going to start this? I give her a look of we’ll talk later. And she lets it go.  First time she’s ever done that.  Turning around she falls back into Tyler’s arms.  She probably thinks Damian is a rapist killer or something.   Just what I need.  Lacey freaking out and telling Grams. 

But I feel safe in his arms and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. A feeling of safety and affection.  I’ve longed for that same feeling ever since he left 3 years ago. 

The festival was amazing after I was wrapped in Damian's arms.  All of the bands I wanted to see were there and they all rocked! Now I’m driving Elaina and Lacey home. Damian came in the car with us so I can’t tell them about him without it being awkward.  Although, having complete silence in the car other then Alex Clare’s “Damn your Eyes” song probably isn’t too much better. 

“so…Elaina, did you have fun?” I ask trying to break the tension.  She looks at me and replies with a mischievous look in her eye, “not as much fun as you did. But yeah.” I give her a death glare and she smirks.  This must be more of her payback for my taking her food yesterday. 

“how ‘bout you Lacey?” I turn around because there’s a red light to see her staring at Damian, mesmerized by his looks.  “Lacey?” “hmm? Oh yeah I had a good time.” Ok this conversations not going anywhere so I give up. 

I drop off Lacey and Elaina at their house and drive away from their house as fast as the speed limit will allow. Damian moves up from the backseat to the seat right next to me making me feel a little nervous but excited at the same time. 

“so, where are you taking me?” he asks. “hmmm, good question…I suppose I could sneak you into my house, or I could take you to a hotel, or back to your car.  Wherever you want really.” I stop in a parking lot so we can figure out where we’re going. 

He looks at me with this longing look in his eye and says quietly, “did you miss me?” I turn the car off and look at him, confused, “what?” “did you miss me?” he looks so vulnerable.  does he really want me to answer that? “um yes? Why wouldn’t I?” he looks down at his hands and when he looks back up I see tears in his eyes. I lean over and wipe the tears away, “why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?” I ask worriedly.  He laughs bitterly, “did you do something wrong? No. You’re not the one who left the only person that you have ever loved, your mate, standing all alone in the rain with her heart crushed.  You’re not the one who sat up every night regretting that moment, reliving it in your dreams, watching the pain enter her already fragile heart over and over again.”

After he says this he puts his face into his hands and shakes his head back and forth apologizing repeatedly.  I just sit here speechless.  I had had no idea that he had felt this much pain when he left me 3 years ago.  I slowly lift his head out of his hands, wipe all of the tears away, and pull him close to me, holding his shaking body in my arms. 

I let him cry through all of his pains like he did for me so many years ago.  When he’s no longer shaking I lift his head off of my shoulder and pull his face close to mine and whisper softly, “I love you Damian Woods, forever.”  He smiles and closes the few inches that were separating our lips and kisses me. 

I thought that Kade’s kiss had been good.  This kiss is a thousand times better.  Our lips fit just perfectly together.  He gently nips at my lips causing electricity to shoot through my body.  I wrap my arms around his neck and run my slender fingers through his silky hair. 

I feel his strong arms lift me onto his lap so that I’m straddling him and he slides his hands under my flannel shirt running his hands up and down my back, making shapes and swirls with his fingers, leaving burning sensations everywhere he touches my skin. I bite his lip and pull it a little and he pulls my body impossibly closer to his. 

When his tongue demands entry to my mouth I gladly relent and allow it to enter.  Our tongues fight for control over the kiss as he starts to unbutton my flannel shirt to reveal my red tube top that’s barely covering my chest. 

His lips move from my mouth to my cheek and make their way down my neck.  He starts out lightly kissing it,  then gradually he starts nibbling on the skin not to far from my ear causing me to moanslightly.  Finally not holding back anymore he starts biting and sucking on the tender skin at the crook of my neck. I allow him, no caring that there would soon be a small bruise.  I can feel his canines elongating and pressing harder on my skin.  I whimper softly as he bites harder then before but still not breaking skin. 

Suddely he stops. I look at him dismayed, searching his eyes for an explanation, wondering why he stopped.  He looks at me and reluctantly moves me off of him.  “why’d you stop?” I ask confused and out of breath.  “I almost marked you. I’m having trouble controlling myself and I don’t want to hurt you.” He says as his eyes flash bright gold. “it didn’t hurt that bad, it was more that it surprised me then hurt me. Please, Damian, I need you. You make me feel whole, a feeling I haven’t felt in a long time.” I plead.

He looks down at me with tenderness in his eyes but he quickly looks away.  I feel tears spring to my eyes from the hurt and rejection I’m feeling. 

I sit up and straddle his lap again determined to get what I want. “Lillee, stop. Your going to get hurt,” He begs, but I don’t care.  He tries to push me off but I hold his arms against the seat and to keep from hurting me he lets me hold him down. 

I slowly and gently kiss his soft lips again knowing that his eyes are a steady gold now.  I move my kisses from his lips to his neck and start kissing him tenderly.  I feel his breathing speed up and he gasps softly, “Lillee, stop I won’t be able to hold back,” I ignore him, continuing to make my way up his neck and start nibbling on his ear. I hear a small moan and smile to myself knowing that I’m getting to him.  

He pulls his hands out from under mine and I brace myself in case he’s going to push me off of him again but instead he flips my body over and lays me down on the seat under him and kisses my neck again. 

I place my hands gently on either side of his face and pull it down to mine to nibble on his lips some more.  He slowly moves his lips back to the crook of my neck where he would eventually leave his mark and kisses me gently making me shiver.  I run my hands through his soft hair some more and guide his head down to the sensitive skin on my chest. 

Just as he starts kissing me more aggressively my cell phone starts ringing from my cup holder.  I shoot up and grab it answering breathlessly, “hello?” “hey honey! Where are you? Its getting late. Shouldn’t you be home by now?” Damian continues kissing my neck and chest distracting me from Grams’s questions.  I try to suppress a moan answering hurriedly, “um, yeah. I’ll be home soon. Ok bye.” “bye sweetheart.” I try to say Damian’s name to him to get his attention but it comes out more like a moan and I feel him smile against my skin. 

Oh my gosh. His lips feel like ecstasy on my tender flesh, “D-damian?” I stutter out, “hmmmm?” why did she have to call? “we have to go soon, like five minutes soon.” “mmmmkay.” His reply is muffled by my neck.  

He continues chewing on my ear causing me to gasp in delight at the pleasure I’m feeling.  I unwillingly tear myself away from him and put my flannel back on.  I watch as his eyes slowly fade back to their natural blue.  Disappointed I turn the keys in the ignition and drive the van out of the parking lot making my way back to my house.

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