chapter 3

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picture: Kade

I walk into chemistry, still thinking about Kade, to find my teacher Mr. Gourd catching another student on fire.  It happens so often that sometimes I wonder whether its on accident or not.  All of the girls in the class are screaming and all of the boys are jumping with excitement while Mason stands there with his arm smoking and the Mr. Gourd looking around wondering what to do. Dumbasses.  I walk over to the emergency fire blanket cupboard, pull one out, and through it over Mason’s arm.  Mr. Gourd repeatedly thanks me for helping and I just smile and assure him that it was no big deal.  Gosh they are all idiots.  Good thing this is my last class of the day. 

When the bell rings I run to the parking lot and jump into the drivers seat of my baby.  Not really a baby compared to most cars but whatever.  I put on some loud dubstep music waiting for Elaina.  I put my head back to relax. 

As soon as I close my eyes I suddenly hear a loud smack on my window that makes me jump out of my seat. I look up wide eyed to see Elaina and some guy.  I roll down my window and glare at her, “Elaina! You know I get scared easily!” “I know! But I thought I'd get back at you for stealing my breadstick and I’m surprising you by showing you my new boyfriend too!” “ I look over her shoulder and look at him.  He looks about 19 or 20.  He has green eyes and curly brown hair. His shoulders are broad and he has a square face.  I raise my eyebrow at her and say questioningly, “boyfriend?”  she doesn’t notice my look or if she does she ignores it and says, ”isn’t he cute?  His name is Logan.  I’m bringing him to the music festival!”  she’s so excited and she rarely finds someone she likes so I feign a smile and try to act as excited as she is. “yay! Well is he giving you a ride home or am I driving you both home?”  she giggles and says, “Logan’s going to give me a ride home,”  she looks at him shyly and he winks.  I try not to gag.  As she skips away Logan glances my way one last time, looks me up and down, and turns to follow.  I step out of my van and grab his shoulder.  He turns to face me and I say in my most intimidating voice, “if you hurt her in any way you will regret ever looking at her.”  He smirks and says, “whatever you say sweet cheeks,” he pats my cheek and smoothly walks after her.  Lacey usually gets a ride with Tyler so instead of waiting for her I start my car and drive out of the school parking lot. 

When I get home I unlock my door and find the house empty.  Grams is probably out on a date or something.  I’ve never been able to uncover her exact age but I guess that she’s probably about 50 or 60 years old.  But she takes such good care of herself that she looks no older than 30.  On her really good days people think I’m her mother.

I go upstairs to my bedroom and change into my boxer shorts and a tank top I walk into the kitchen and grab some orange juice and some crackers and sit down to watch some T.V. when I unexpectedly the doorbell ring.  ‘hmmm…I’m not expecting anyone…’ I think to myself.  I walk to the door and see Kade standing at my doorway looking absolutely scrumptious in a tight blue t-shirt and jeans that aren’t too tight but aren’t too loose either fitting just right around his muscular legs. 

He looks up at me and says, “hello beautiful.”  After I get over his appearance my mouth falls wide open in utter confusion. “h-how did you find my house?…a-are you stalking me?” I stutter out still confused.  He laughs at my questions and smiles a million dollar smile, “no, I am not stalking you.  I asked Lacey where you live because you dropped this when we bumped into each other at lunch. I thought you might like it back.”

I gave him a small smile, happy that he made a point not to say that I bumped into him when clearly I was the one who did the bumping.  I flinched when he handed me my notebook.  It wasn’t just a notebook. It was more of a thoughts and memories book.  Kind of like a diary but it only had the most important things in it.  I looked up at him and I guess he could clearly see the worry on my face because he smiled and said, “I didn’t read it.  I don’t think that getting into someone’s personal belongings is the best way to make a friend.” 

I smile and realize that I'm being very rude.  “would you like to come in?”  “yeah.  I’d love to.”  Gosh is his voice cute.  We walk into the house side by side and sit down on my couch. 

“do you want something to eat or drink?” I ask him not very smoothly.  Normally my only guests are Lacey and Elaina and by now they just walk in and take what they want.  “nah. I’m fine. Thanks though. You have a very nice house.” He said as he looked around, “your parents must be loaded.”  “actually,” I say hesitantly, “my parents are dead.  They died when I was a baby.”  “oh. I am so sorry,”  I hate when people pity me about my parents death.

“well you know I was only a baby so I don’t really remember them or anything, and I’ve had nothing but a good life so I’m kind of over it.”  “who do you live with then?” “I live with my grandmothers best friend, Stacey.  She’s been taking care of me for my whole life so she’s really like my grandma. Or really like my mom because she looks like the age that my mother would be.”  “how old is she?”  “she’s in her fifties or sixties, but she looks like she’s in her thirties.” “wow. That’s awesome! Good for her.” “haha yea.  Sometimes she looks better than me.” “I don’t believe that.” I giggle nervously and look up to see that he’s serious. 

“So…Um, enough about me lets hear about you.”  Not the best way to change the subject but talking about myself makes me feel uncomfortable. “ok.  What do you want to know?” he asks catching on to my lame change of subject. “ummm, whaaaat…is your favorite color?” its official, I am probably the worlds worst conversation starter.  “hmmm, I’d have to say…the color of your eyes…I can’t decide what they are though. Grey? Or blue?” he says smiling, making my cheeks go up in flame. “ok, your favorite drink?” “I like Shirley Temples.” My jaw drops at this piece of information. “I know it’s a really girly drink but I have a sweet tooth. Sue me.”  I giggle a little and realize that he’s been moving closer and closer to me by the second.  When I look up he’s so close I can feel his warm breath on my face. “next question?” “um, uh, are you gay?” what the fuck? What kind of question is that.  It looks like he’s wondering the same question. “why do you ask?” “um, I don’t know. Just a question I guess.  So…are you?” I say looking at him as if I don’t know the answer. “no. I’m not.” I keep stalling, “are you sure?” he smiles deviously, “I’ll prove to you that I’m straight.” And he leans over and kisses me.

  just before our lips meet I glimpse a flash of gold.  But before I can think anything of it, his eyes close and I feel his lips on mine.  I’ve only been kissed by one other person and that was a long time ago.  This kiss feels nothing like the other one.  my first kiss was long and sweet.  Kade's lips feel rough against my soft ones.  His embrace is strong but gentle.  His strong lips press harder against mine and give me butterflies in my stomach.  I snake my slender arms around his neck as he adjusts his position so that he’s fully facing me.  He wraps his arms around my slim waist and pulls me into his lap. 

Just as he starts kissing down my neck I hear a car pulling up.  Breathless, I jump off of Kade just as Grams walks in.  I struggle to keep my breath even and calm.  I look at Kade and his eyes are still on me, making me blush. 

I look up to see a man that I know as John follow in and wave at me with a big smile on his face. I give him a small smile and a wave back.  He’s nice and I like him a lot but he’s a little young for “Stacey” as she likes me to call her when her friends come over.  She claims that it’s because it makes me sound more mature but I think its because she doesn’t want to sound old. 

“have you been running around outside?” she asks as she sees my face, which I’m sure is getting redder by the second.  Before I can reply she notices Kade. “who’s your little friend?” she asks as she hangs her jacket on the coat rack. “Stacey, this is Kade. Kade, Stacey.”  I say with an emphasis on Stacey.  “Lil?   You know that I prefer you not to have male friends over when I’m not home,” she says using a motherly tone. “I know I’m sorry.” 

I lead Kade to the door and he kisses my hand like he did at school ths time looking down and says, “I’ll see you at the music festival.” I watch as he makes his way to his car and drives away, my body tingling at the memory of his touch.

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