chapter 2

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picture: Elaina and her cookie :)

oh my gosh! Oh My Gosh!! OH MY GOSH!!!  Lacey, Elaina and I are going to a music festival! This Saturday(tomorrow)!  I am so excited!!!!!!!  The issue is that I hate being around people.  So that presents a problem with the crowd.  Buuuuut...  I loooove Flotation Walls, and all the other bands that will be there. I want to go but I'm afraid I'll have one of my panic attacks.  But Elaina and Lacey made it very clear that if I didn’t go they would ignore me all summer so I have to go.   

This is what has been going through my head all day.  And my day has been freaking awesome since they told me that we were going!  First I aced my calculus test which I was sure I was going to fail, then in band I got the solo I wanted in the concert! 

“RIIIIIIIIING!!!”  That’s my cue to get the heck out of English honors and go to lunch!  I begin to skip-hop to my locker but on the way trip and start to slam face first into the handle on a door.  But before my face has a chance to make the handles acquaintance I feel hands wrap around my waist.  I look up and see a face that’s unfamiliar.  He is absolutely delicious though.  He has short dirty blonde hair and bright, intelligent green eyes.  His face has defined feature and he has a body that says “I go to the gym on a regular basis.” 

“are you alright?,” His voice is deep and masculine. He looks at me with his piercing green eyes that flash gold momentarily.  I gasp.  I’ve only seen that occur in one other person’s eyes. “uh, yeah. Thanks for that.  I would’ve gone face first into the door if you hadn’t caught me.”  I say trying to ignore what I just saw in his eyes.  As he helps me stand up and picks up a book for me Lacey suddenly runs up laughing hysterically.

“Holy crap Lillee! You almost face planted there! And only a day before the concert! Be more careful.  If it hadn’t been for Hercules here your face would be broken in more places than one.”  My rescuer blushes at the little nickname she gave him.  “aw it was nothing really.  I was just at the right place at the right time.”  And flashed us a shy little smile.  I have to admit it was very cute.

 “did you just say something about a concert?”  With a huge smile on her face Lacey answers, “yeah, It’s not really a concert its more like a music festival.  There are a bunch of bands playing and there’s shops set up where you can buy their tee-shirts and stuff.” “whoa. That’s sounds pretty cool. I might drop by." he says with a flirtacious smile. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.  My name is Kade.  I just moved here from New York.”  “I’m Lacey and this little damsel in distress here is Lillee.” He looks straight at me his eyes shining, and says, “pleasure to make your acquaintance,” and takes my hand and kisses the back of it never looking away from my face, making me blush.  As his lips meet my skin his eyes flash gold again.  Panicking i snatch my hand away and stutter, “I…I need to go to my locker, come on Lacey." without making eye contact I utter, "It was nice to meet you Kade.”  Before she can object I grab Lacey’s hand and pull her behind me as I make my way through the crowded halls to my locker.  I take a glance back and see that he’s still staring after me with those intense green eyes.

“What the hell was that?” I look up at Lacey who’s making a pouty face with her arms crossed and leaning on a locker.  Jeez, even when she’s angry she looks like a model.  I roll my eyes and go back to the more important issue at hand, finding my wallet in my locker, which is almost as messy as my bedroom, making the chances of finding it slim to none.  “what was what?” I ask innocently even though I know that she’s talking about my abrupt ending to our conversation with Kade.  “you know exactly what I’m talking about.  He was totally into you! And you just walked away!”  I look up at Lacey pleading her with my eyes to forget about it.  But as usual she keeps complaining.  “He was super yummy and you totally just walked away.  You know, I really question your sanity sometimes.” She says as she shakes her head in disappointment.  I stand up having miraculously found my wallet,and run away as fast as I can to avoid further conversation about Kade.

I get to the cafeteria before she has a chance to catch up with me,  and grab a couple of granola bars and a carton of chocolate milk and sit down at our usual table.  When Lacey walks in she’s completely out of breath from running all the way from the west wing to the east.  I on the other hand have already eaten one of my granola bars and am now downing my chocolate milk. 

She comes and plops down next to me right as Elaina sits down with her usual mountain of food and a cookie already in her mouth.  “Got enough food there?” I ask as I snatch a breadstick off her tray.  She glares at me because she is in love with food. If she met a man made of pizza she’d marry him on the spot. 

Tyler walks over with his little groupies and sits down next to Lacey and places a gentle kiss on her cheek.  They are such a cute couple.  Greyson, his second in command sits down next to me and scoots as close on the bench as he can until I give him a death stare.

“what?” he asks innocently.  “you know what,” I say.  Greyson has had a thing for me since middle school and even though he has a new girlfriend every week he’s always making the moves on me. 

He looks at me with puppy dog eyes until his current girlfriend, Miranda saunters over and sits on his lap. “hey beautiful.” He says as he nuzzles her neck making her giggle.  I make a gagging noise and she glares at me.  Deciding that its time for me to find a new table I stand up and throw my trash away looking around the room for a new spot.  Not seeing any I decide to go sit in the courtyard and study for the test I have next period. 

As I walk out the door I bump into Kade and his rock solid body almost knocks me over, but before I can fall he grabs my waist and holds me steady pulling me close enough for me to feel his breath on my face.  “if this is going to be happening on a regular basis we should work out a schedule.”  I just stare at him in confusion.  “it was a joke…”he says awkwardly.  “oh! Sorry I’m really slow when it comes to jokes unless it’s like a knock-knock joke or something where there’s an actual punch line.”  He smiles an incredible smile and chuckles. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he says.  He slowly lets go of me and holds the door open for me a smirk on his face.  I hurriedly walk out into the courtyard and sit with my back to the cafeteria, feeling my cheeks on fire.  

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