Love for the dark mage?

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Heeerrrres another chapter ~ Happy

Lucy's POV

Chapter 2: A letter for me?

As I closed the door I felt like I was being watched. I shook it off and walked into the living room. " LUCY!!!!!" cried my idiotic friends. " What are you doing in my house?!" I shrieked. " Hi Lushee!" cried that stupid cat. (A/N I'm not a stupid cat!) " What do you want and why are you in my house!" I yelled at them. "We just want- Oh my God! Lucy I-i-i didn't k-know that y-you were into this s-stuff!" exclaims Erza as she looks through my underwear draws. "That's none of your buisness! KYAAHH!!!!" I cried as I knock her away. "Now get out! I'm tired really tired and i want to go to sleep!"I whined. " Fine, fine we'll leave you alone,Lucy." said Gray as he opened my front door. " Come on ash for brains!" said Gray. " What did you call me ice princess!?" yelled Natsu. "Guys this is not the place nor time for that." said Erza with her scary aura. " Hai!" said Natsu and Gray in unison. " Bye Lushy! See you at the guild tomorrow!" called Happy. Phew finally they are gone! Now i'm going to take a bath and then go to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 As I was walking , The fishermen yelled that same warning and I ignored them as usual. I just passed the bridge when I heard footsteps I stopped and so did they. "Hello?" I called out as I turned around. Nothing was there. " Natsu! You better not be playing pranks on me baka!" I yelled. Still nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and turned back around. I walked forward on and something crumpled. "Hmmmmm." I mumurred. I looked down and saw an envelope. So a mysterious envelope just magically appears before me without me hearing the deliverer, strange. I bent down and picked it up. Its adressed to me but it doesn't say from who though. As I open it, one of my missing heart earrings fall out. " Hey! My earring!" I exclaim. Theres also a note for me. 

Dearest Lucy,

I simply can not tell you my identy. It breaks my heart but its for the best right now. I have fallen in love with you. I thought that it was not possible for me someone so dark, to fall in love with someone as light and pure as you. I found your earring one day, though I can't remember the time or day. 

Thinking of you  (as always)


Z? I don't think that I know anyone whose name starts with a Z. And this earring has been missing since the S-class trials on Tenrou Island. Someone must have found it and must be playing some trick on me.  " Ohayo Minna!" I greeted as I walked through the doors. " LUSHY!" cried out Happy. " What is it cat?" I grumbled. " Nothing I wanted to hug you...BYE!" He yelled.  What an idiot. Natsu looks down today, maybe I'll see what that's about. " Natsu whats wrong?" I asked teasingly. " I'm just thinking." He replied. " Whaaa?! You're thinking?!" I cried. He nodded his head. " I guess I'll leave to let you think. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Four hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Bye Minna!" I called while shutting the guild's doors. Today was a long day. Ugh I feel like I'm being watched again. Oh well I have to get home.

Ok so I'm on the Tenrou Island arc. So yay! I'm caught up! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks ~Happy




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