Ok so it was officially the day we met Ginge who was a professional dancer and is going to train Chloe to be a back up dancer for the boys which I was so excited about because she gets to see her baby and I can't wait to see her photos with him.
10 minutes later
Ok so I am officially even more excited because I have just finished texting Chloe and I actually can't believe it she has told me that I'm also going to be trained for the boys tour and going with her to see the boys which I'm well excited for she told me that I need to tell Shawn about it but I know that he will be alright with it as long as he comes with us I messaged her and asked if it was alright if I bring Shawn with me and she went and asked ginge and she said that was totally fine so I'm so excited plus I have been watching Roadtrips covers and I'm not going to lie but Andy is kinda hot man but I'm not telling anyone well I might tell Chloe hahaha.
I'm looking forward to having dance classes but Chloe has told me that it's everyday for 5 hours which I'm going to be so tired but it's going to be worth it can't wait your girl is going to be so fit after all of this dancing but I'm extremely excited and also it means we are going to be touring with them at every date arghhhhh but we are going to be getting taught a dance for no no no, don't break my heart and after the show which is going to be so much fun can't wait.
Фанфик" You ain't like the other ones underneath the summer sun come and spend another with me"