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Chloe- Ashton
you there

Ashton- yeah
what's up cuz

Chloe- ok so
I have your
dancers for you

Ashton- great
wait what
I thought
we weren't
having dancers

Chloe- well you
do now and also
I need to ask
you something

Ashton- does
our manager
know and
what is it
you need
to ask

Chloe- yeah
already told
your manager
and they said
it was fine and
Em well you
know your dancers

Ashton- ok and
Chloe what
have you done

Chloe- well
they have
asked if I
could be a
dancer for
a British
and Irish
roadtrip please
could I go

Ashton- Chloe are
you being
serious right now

Chloe- please
please please
like they have
said that you
can come and
I can bring a
friend which
I am bringing
sian with me
so Shaun can
come as well

Ashton- and who
is paying for
flights and
for your little
dancing routine

Chloe- their
manager Blair
has said that
he will pay
for the flights
and that we
can stay with
roadtrip in their flat

Ashton- what is this
Blair's second name

Chloe- I don't
really know he
never really told
me but he did
say he was in
a band before
called east 17

Ashton- omg
are you serious

Chloe- yeah why

Ashton- I loved
that band
when I
was younger

Chloe- are
you serious

Ashton- yeah

Chloe- omg

Ashton- wait when
is the tour

Chloe- it's in a
month after
your tour

Ashton- aw ok
we have
plenty of time
then ok we
can go on
one condition

Chloe- what's that

Ashton- you are
not allowed
to date any
of the boys
in the band
or even talk
about him
in any way

Chloe- wait what
I don't fancy any
of them in the
band what
made you
think that

Ashton- because
I know what
your like you
used to fancy
Calum and
also the way
you said
roadtrip your
face lit
up and
I just know

Chloe- ok that
was ages ago
I used to fancy
Calum I don't
anymore and
also I'm just
excited to be
dancing infront
of a crowd
Instead of being
at your shows

Ashton- aw ok
anyway I need
to go are the
dancers still coming
to the studio today or

Chloe- yeah I'm
just going to
message them
and tell them
to come and
get me and
then we will
head to the

Ashton- ok cool
I'll see you
soon bye

Chloe- yeah bye
see you soon xx

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