3|| I don't get it anymore

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I was scared as hell. But cam calmed me so I was quiet.
'Let's go home!'
'Yes, I'm coming'
'I packed my things as quickly as possible, I don't want to spend a minute longer here'

*arrived home*

'Hey sweetheart you're okay?'
'Yes mom I'm seriously okay don't
worry about it'
'Okay honey'

we went upstairs to my room, as soon as I was upstairs I raised my voice a little bit and said 'mom don't come to my room'
'Okay sweetheart'

me and cameron were sitting and figuring out all possible options

'Maybe there is just a light bulb in my hand'
'That was a good one' he said and laughed
'Omg look it's glowing right now, what is happening!!!!!'
'Yes cammie?'
'I don't know but your eyes are glowing either now'
'What the helll what is thi-

Cameron held my hand and told me not to worry. When he held my hand something weird happend

I got a vision of the past from cameron. I saw us when we were babies.

'Cammie I think I know what this is'
'You're sure?'
'I guess so'
'Okay tell me!'
'I think I have the opportunity to look at other people's past with one touch'
'so  when I held your hand you saw my past'
'That's so cool!!'
'I really don't get it anymore, I guess it's just cool'

'Rosie my mom is calling me I need to go'
'Okay see you tomorrow'

Next day..

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