14|| a leader has arrived

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I am really confused for what I did. What did I do ?! I am a weirdo, really. But why did she look so weird and why did she send me away and what if Cameron knows omg I put myself in real trouble. Nevermind I just go to her and apologize and say that I was drunk or something. I walk towards Rose's house and I heard a scream

I kick the door and go upstairs I run really fast all sudden I see Chanel and Cameron also I saw something weird from Rose's hand

'W-what was that' I say shocked
I fainted. I open my eyes slowly and see 3 people above me starring at me
'Where am I' I say
'You're at Rose's place dude' Cameron says
'But why are you here' Rose asks
'I don't know anymore, but I saw something weird from your hand what was it?'
They look really weird at each other
'Should we tell him' Cameron says
'Tell what dude!' I say pissed
'It's okay Cameron he is also a friend of mine, you can tell him' Rose says

They looked at me and I was confused

'Okay Thomas this is gonna sound weird but..'
'But what Cameron'
'Dude shut up and let him explain' Chanel says
'Sorry princess' I say sarcastically
'Okay so Rose is a witch but like not a witch she is actually Rose but with some kind of magic power'
'Yea dude did you know I can fly like I am actually superman but then Thomas that can fly'
'Bro I'm serious she can show me'

I look at Rose and she starts turning around her finger but before she says anything she asks 'do you have pain somewhere?' 'Yes' I say 'my leg' she stared to rime I didn't hear exactly what she said because I was a little dizzy but I saw a green light coming from her finger and the next thing I knew was that my leg was fixed

'Told ya :)' Rose says
'So what are you gonna do with your magic power majesty'
She laughs and smiles at me. My heart melted <3 okayyy it's not the time to fall in love. 'I don't know Prince Charming' she says flirty. I see Cameron, it's weird because he don't look jealous. Maybe because Im his best friend never mind this wont work out anyways.

'Okay so school?' Chanel says
'What school, you just ruined my mood.' Cameron says 'dude we are not bad kids we are good kids and we have to go to school' Rose says. Such a leader ugh. 'We all are going tomorrow' 'loud and clear boss!' I say while laughing. 'Im not kidding Thomas!' 'Yea I know we all are going' I said. 'Haven't y'all heard about the party?' Cameron randomly says 'what party?' Chanel replies 'the party at Flynn's house it's this saturday, ARE WE GOOIIINGG!' 'Yea sure I can have some party' Rose says 'yea me too' I reply 'I hate parties but lets go' Chanel says

Everyone went home to do their stuff

The next morning

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