13|| pancakes are pretty

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- Rose

Next morning

I woke up and wash my face. Cameron is still asleep. For those who wonders no we don't sleep on the same bed, we are really that person that doesn't look at the gender best friends is best friends except with the bed😂 sorry not sorry Cameron sleeps on my couch in my room and I know what you think 'ugh that's a annoying place to sleep' actually it's really chill I'm serious but okay where was I. I listen some music and Cameron wakes up I take my AirPods out.

'Goodmorning bitch' he says
'someone woke bitchy up' I say
'hahahaha yeaa'
'Okay let's have breakfast'

We have breakfast with my mom and Scott, today it is pancakes

Seriously aren't pancakes like delicious and beautiful at the same time sometimes I feel bad for eating it

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Seriously aren't pancakes like delicious and beautiful at the same time sometimes I feel bad for eating it.

Cameron is leaving and is about to go home 'bye bitch'
'Oho so its a karma now Coley:)'
'Yes hahahah'

My mom calls me and I go to my mom
'Sweetie you have to sit next to me, it's important'
'Yes mom, what is it?'
'Do you suffer from a lightsome hand?'

I got a little scared like how does my mom know??

'Uhm yes? How do you know that'
'Sweetheart why didn't you tell me that'
'I'm sorry mom but what is it?'
'This is gonna sound crazy but'
'But what mom'
'You are a witch, but not like a witch witch or those witches from tv'
'Mom seriously?! Couldn't think better?'
'Sweetie I'm not lying, the light is in the beginning, it's tradition. After the light you're gonna have a disco light hand and after that you can use your powers'
'How -_-' I ask sarcasticly
'Oh wait wait maybe with a magic stick from harry potter hahah' I laugh
"Hahahah funny but no, it's all about rimes"
'Try it' my mom says seriously
'How ?'
'Just figure out a rime and use it'

A rime huh I was thinking to long about what I should do it, oh maybe I should do it with my room cause it's a mess. I go upstairs and I am thinking how I should do it. My mom is next to me

'Mom do you need to do something with your hand'
'It would make it easier, just make a circle with your finger'

Okay there I go 'My room is a mess, clean it up and bring me a dress'

And guys, it was really scary but pretty cool to see. My mom told me that every 'witch' has a different magic color. My color is pastel green, such a pretty color. Okay so I have pOwErS such a childish thing but ok. How am I gonna say it to Cameron he is gonna like it! Omg and ofcourse Chanel I didnt spoke her since yesterday or 2 days ago I don't know. Nevermind just chill and take a nap.

I woke up from a nap and called Cameron and Chanel to come over (no Leo and Thomas cause they are Scott's bf's). The doorbell rings a few minutes later. I open the door and it's Thomas

'Uhm hi Thomas?'
He started kissing me
'Thomas what the hell are you doing?!'
I get a little pissed
'I'm so sorry Rose I couldn't let it go, I'm in love with you'
'Oh so you're in love with me and you thought comming to my home and kiss would save it?'
'No but you're worth it and I love you'
'That's sweet, I guess but now is not the right time can we talk about this later, please?'
'Anything for you, see you'

I see Cameron and Chanel comming to my home. I hope they haven't seen that kiss ugh.
They're inside the house and we're going upstairs


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