Me and my mom is driving down the highway, win a weird Dog runs in the road infront uf us "MOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!" I scram to mom"AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Mom scramed too, she served the other way, the car crashes into a tree
--????'s POV--
'Where in the hell is Smile Dog' I thought, as i hear a door open "Barck barck" There a teen girl on his back, uchonshis it seems, Jeff walks in the room "hows this slender?" Jeff asked me "I don't know......" I said "can I kill it?" Jeff asked with a evil smerck, Smile Dog grals?........ And tern human?!?!?! He is hiding her bridal stile "No.... I have a strang filling about her...... Like shes more uf a animal, than human" Smile human? Said "hum?" I said confused
__Time skip win she wacks up__
--Moon's POV--
I wack up on the hard floor "wear am I?" I grownd and git up, I look down at a big cut and I gral in anger, I lach my hands to my head and repted the same words "Don't git angry, don't git angry, Don't git angry" I graled and fall to my knees, and mu haer grows and trans black and my eyes tern a different color, same as my clothing
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(But not the shoes in the bottom, and the haer is black, she also have a wolf teal and ears) __Time skip next 3 day later__