--Jeff's POV--When we start, I see something different in her eyes, like a lil girl that Killed someone she loved, but it went away, she haves a insane smile on her face "and...... GO!" Laughing Jack said, we started, she goes right off the bat going so fast, she was looking at the ring on her finger, she said under her breath but I heard her say "your not gonna hert me again" she sound sad and angry
Before the music stopped, her knife goes through her hand, it wus bloody, in a bad way............ Moon and LJ starts to laugh, but her's wus more insane thar a normal laugh 'whut is wrong with her....' I thought 'I'm insane Jeffy' I heard her voice in my head, I look at her, "what do you mean, 'you not gonna hert me again'?" I asked her, she closed her eyes and the smile goes away "I guess I have to tall ya" she said, "ya, you do" i said, everyone looks at me than Moon "are you two together?" sally asked "no it's more thin that Sally" Moon said "may we go to my office to talk, Jeff, Moom" Slenderman said
((A/N I found out how to spell it Slenderman yeah))
--Moon's POV--
'How can I tall this' I thought "fuckkkkkkk" I grownd, me, Jeff and Slenderman, walk in his office "have a seat you two" Slenderman said, me and Jeff sit down "ok, first things first, whut did you mean by, 'your not gonna hert me again'?" Jeff asked me "it's a long story" I said "we have time" Jeff said "ok, it happen when I wus 6"
{Trigger worning}When Mom wus at work, my dad wud toucher me, mom allway freck out seeing the cuts and browses on me, this haves ben happening for 2 years now, but tonight he when to far
"P-le_ase, st-op it" I voice cracked from the presser in my chest, but he won't stop, he wus on top uf me touching me, filling all over me, I wus browsed, cut, covered in blood, because uf him "Daddy s-top i_t" I said, it look like it sint him over the limit, with one swith moshin, he pulled down my parents and than his, I start to cry "ple-ase n-o da-ddy" I said, then he thrashed his member inside uf me, making my cry out in pane, he thrashed faster, I hear the front door open 'momy' I thought, he starts to mone my name and mone in plasher, I can hear mom run upstairs to my room, and when she opened the door, he still didn't stop, he went faster, mom gasped at the site uf me "st-stop i-t dad-dy" I said
~~End of flashback~~
Thars tars in my eyes thanking about that again "And that ring is his, after that, I had no father figure in my life" I said about to beret into tears "and that insane smile?" Jeff said "that smile, easy, after that, I wint crazy, I wus put in a crazy howes and.......... Killed the first person I seen in my "room" with me" I said "but I got out uf thar in two days uf being thar" I said "I'm sorry, Moon" Jeff said "nah, don't be sorry for me, Jeffy" I said "walp, may I go to my room, Slendy" I asked Slenderman, He nodded, I walk to the door to see, all uf the postas area on the door, thay fall on thar faces, most if thin with tears in thar eyes, some with no aspersions
__Time skip :( in your room__
I got in my room and choral up in a ball on my bed and slowly fall asleep
{Well that wus a sad chapter, Bye my Septiceyes
~SB out}

Moonlight {A Creepyposta story}
Manusia Serigalawill see win read (All art from Google, but edited by me)