--PG's pov--I see my lil girl berst into tears, I inbred he in a hug "I'm sooooo sorry......I....I" I said, she hugs back, she starts to glitch in between her Purple girl form, to her springtrap form
((It's just her with springtrap ears, and a green sweater))
She stops glitching out now she is in her springtrap form
((she haves 5 forms, human, neko, wolf, Purple girl, springtrap))
--Moon's POV-- <(0~0<) HUGSSS!!!
I stop glitching, I'm in my springtrap form, I let go uf him, he wiped my tears away "come on, let's tack you home" he said
__Time skip, mansion__
"It's ben so long since I ben here" Dad said, as we walked in the door, the first person I see whus my BPFF
((Best Proxe Friends Forever))
"Hay!, Jeffy" I said to git hes atenchin, it did "Hay, Wolfy......" he started "wuts with the purple git up?, and haer?" he asked, looking up and down at me, I blush, Dad gralls at Jeff "Jeff, I wud back off uf her if I wus you" Dad said, in a throating towne "whut, WHAT!!!!!!, NO!, NO!, SIR!, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT WE'ER BPFF'S, NOT BF AND GF!!!!" Jeff said in panic mode, I gigil at this " ok, I'm going to my room, and if you need me Dad, ask Slender or anyone" I said, Jeff looks confused, but that confusion tern to rage "Jeff chill, we'er good" I said coming him down, wich did help him "I will be in your room later ok, Wolfy?" Jeff said/asked "ok bey, be good you two" I said walking to my room
'This is going to be a long day.....' I thought
((Sorry for how short, that least "chapter" tock 1: 48 : 40 time out uf my night and it's 7:14 AM right now so bye my Septiceyes

Moonlight {A Creepyposta story}
Werewolfwill see win read (All art from Google, but edited by me)