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Madison POV

I just signed my contract with Andrew. It's 9:30 am. Andrew, Shawn and I are in the elevator to go downstairs to meet the guys.

Once we are outside of the building, there is already everyone setting the tour bus. All the guys who were with us in Los Angeles are going on the tour bus. Shawn is bro hugging the guys.

I enter the tour bus. There's the driver seat with another seat beside. Then on the left there is a couch and a three bunk beds. On the right there is another couch, a bunk bed and a small room with the door closed. There is also a doors on the back of the bus. It must be the washrooms.

- Josiah - Hey Madison!

- Madison - Hi! On witch bed do you sleep on?

- Josiah - I'm on this one. Andrew is on the top one. The other guys are on the other side and on the ones beside.

- Madison - Where do I sleep?

- Shawn - You are sleeping with me in our bedroom.

- Madison - Wow Shawn the diva has a bedroom.

- Shawn - Yeah, let's go put our things in it.

I follow Shawn. He opens the door at the back. It's a small bedroom.

We put our things on the ground and walk out of the room

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We put our things on the ground and walk out of the room. Shawn tells me that the other door is the washroom.

Shawn POV

It's been five hours since we are in the bus. We will be at destination in three hours. Andrew is on the front talking with the driver and the guys are in their bunk bed watching Netflix. I'm on one couch, playing guitar to Madison who is on the other couch.

Madison POV

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Madison POV

Finally, we are here. We are in the Madison Square Garden's tour bus parking. I could eat anything right now. I think Shawn saw it.

- Shawn - Andrew where can we go get some food. It's 6:30 pm and we only ate snacks since we left Toronto.

- Andrew - I don't know if your fans should see where we are right now

- Shawn - They won't see us I think everybody want to go eat right now

- Andrew - Ok, ok. There is a good restaurant five minutes away from here


- Madison - I am starving.

Shawn POV

I'm sad that tonight Madison and I couldn't hang out because of my show but it was incredible. Maddison Square Garden is one of the best place to perform.

Madison and I are in bed. We have to go to sleep early because tomorrow is a big day.
Thank you for reading and voting for my story ~❤️❤️❤️~

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