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Maddison POV

We are now in the hotel where the stylists are. Shawn and I will be in two different hotel rooms so we won't see each other until we are ready for the red carpet. I'm in room 635 and Shawn is in room 201. Andrew will be walking from one room to the other.

I have like ten people in the room only to prepare me for the red carpet. Andrew came to the hotel yesterday to give my stylist the dress that Shawn chose for me.

- one girl - Hi, I'm Sofia. I am your stylist for this event. It's nice to meet you.

- Madison - Nice to meet you Sofia.

- Sofia - So we will start by the dress and the accessories and after you will have someone to do your hairs and makeup.

- Madison - ok, tell me what to do

- Sofia - you can go put your dress it's in the bathroom and then my teem and I will do the last minute touch.

- Madison - perfect

I go to the bathroom and there is the dress that Shawn chose me. I remember the day he bought it. He was so shy to come in an underwear shop, it was so funny. I get back to present and try to put on the dress. It is one of the most difficult things I did in my life. I finally put it on and hold it with my hands because otherwise it will fall. I get out of the bathroom and go where Sofia and her teem is.

- Sofia - Wow, Shawn has really great taste in clothes

- Madison - I know, I'm impressed too

Her teem is adjusting the dress a little and now it fits perfectly on me.

- Sofia - Okay, now you can go sit on that chair in front on the mirror. Rachel and Christina are going to do you're makeup and hairs.

- Madison - great, thank you

I did what she told me. Rachel did my makeup and I love it. My lipstick is pink and it matches with my eyeshadow.

- Christina - It's now time for your hairs. Are you ready?

- Madison - Yes

- Christina - I taught of a look for you but I'm not sure if you will be willing to do it.

She shows me a picture with the hairstyle she wants me to have. I'm kind of scared but it looks pretty.

- Madison - You can do it, it's pretty. I hope it will turn out good on me too.

- Christina - It will, it's sure

I'm waiting for my hairs to be done while talking with Andrew.

- Christina - I think we are done in ten minutes

- Andrew - okay, I'll go back to Shawn's room and we will meet in the lobby. Is it okay?

- Madison - Yeah, I will meet you guys there

We finished my look. I'm now in the elevator. I can't wait to see what Shawn looks like.
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