I Need To Find Them But I Need Help First

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Clarke's POV..


That sound was deafening. I knocked me onto the ground. All I could hear for a few minutes was a intense high pitched shrill ringing. All I could see was blurred color then I passed out. Once I got up it was very hard to keep my balance it like everything was out of focus and spinning. Once I regained my composure and remembered Tavia and Madi I sprinted to the rover and open the door.

"Ok are all the rifles....
Oh crap
Their not there. All that was left in the rover were  14 of my 18 rifles, a used syringe, bullets, a bottle of so kind of drug ,Tavia's gun,knife, and sword, Madi's knife, fun, and spear, and our backpacks.How could I let this happen. Also how long was I out for and how did the get here so fast didn't they just land or was I out to long to notice . They took Tavia and Madi and Artemis and Ceres (if you don't remember where that was Madi and Tavia's wolves also Ares is Clarke's wolf is with her ). But at least I know a prediction of how many took them they only took 4 rifles so they had to be able to carry both the rifles and Madi and Tavia so either there were four of them or 3 of them no more or they would have taken more. I just stood there for a few minutes trying to comprehend this. Ares was beside me whimpering and hitting my left thigh with his nose trying to get me to more. Then I finally snapped out trance and the only thing I could think of was Octavia and Lincoln are going to murder me more Octavia probably but I'm sure Lincoln wouldn't mind helping. I need to get them back but I need help first.. I've learned from my time on the ground you can't just go running into things unprepared and definitely not alone. I need somebody's help it's been 2,196 days space kru and bunker or Wonkru have been gone to long and it's time they come back. All the sudden I get a idea I quickly tell Ares to get into the back I shut the door after he gets in and run to the passenger seat and sped back to Eden barely dodging trees and plants . Thank god theres no one except these new people or I would have run over them all.  I get to Eden in re off time even faster than Madi or Tavia's time and the are lightning fast at driving. Once me and Ares get out we run into our house and grab our home radio that works better. After Primfaya , I only had one radio which is the portable one we take up to the hill and then I found one that was to heavy to carry around so we just keep it in own 'home' for when it rain or we can't get up the hill . But back to the important stuff me and Ares fly into the living room and I grab the radio turn it on and turn it to channel 6 . I hear the sound I've heard for 6 years static. Putting the radio up to my face and pushing the button to speak I speak frantically "Space kru come in its Clarke," static, I say louder and more wilder "Space kru come in," more static, then I lost it "SPACE KRU I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CAN HEAR ME OR NOT BUT YOUR NIECES (INCLUDING MADI) JUST GOT TAKEN BY SOME PEOPLE IN A SHIP CALLED ELIGIUS AND I CANT GET THEM BACK BY MY SELF. I NEED YALLS HELP TO GET THEM BACK YALL HAVE BEEN GONE FOR SIX YEARS AND ITS TIME TO COME BADK HOME SO RAVEN GET OFF YOUR ASS AND HURRY BACK TO EARTH BECAUSE IF THEY DIE OR GET HURT OCTAVIA IS GOING TO MURDER ME THEN FEED ME TO WONKRU AND IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THEY THINK THEIR DAUGHTER IS UP IN SPACE WITH ALL OF YOU AND ME SO THEIR ALREADY GOING TO BE ANGRY ABOUT THAT SO I NEED THEM BACK BEFORE WE GET WONKRU OUT OF THE BUNKER SO PLEASE HURRY FOR ME, FOR YOUR NIECES!" I calm down a little to say this without yelling " please send me something to let me know you heard me like if you heard me get someone who knows how to get the radio to blink and make a beeping noise I'm keeping this message on repeat so if you don't hear it now maybe you hear it later hopefully it won't be to late by then signing out Clarke 'Wanheda' Griffin" "please answer me"I thought nothing I wait a hour just hopeing and praying ,still nothing I get up walk to get a drink of water and all the sudden.

*blink* beep beep beep *blink* *blink*
They can hear me....

Hey y'all sorry for not uploading I've been busy getting ready for school to start. So this was a interesting chapter it's not the best  chapter but it felt long writing so I hope you like it. Sorry I ended on a cliffhanger I'm not very good at them but whatever. So I'm writing the next chapter probably tonight since I have a vision for it. It will probably be posted early this morning, in the middle of the night or in a few hours. Since I'm not starting for another hour let me know if you want the point of view of raven, Monty, Murphy ,echo ,Emori, Bellamy,or Harper . Also let me know what you want to see in the next chapter and later chapters I know I say this a lot but I'm really only just now starting this book it's also my first book so it's not that great. 2 more things I'm not  going by the shows story line I will sometimes but not all the time. Last but not least go check out my new friend on wattpad if you like my story their name is wizzywarrior she writes a amazing book, she's a amazing writer so check her out. Bye loves!

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