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"Pretty much." Reckson said, and my heart dropped. Why'd I think that he'd be there to save the day? Of course I knew that we were lost, but I secretly wished that somehow we weren't. Maybe there was fog and they were hidden among them, and they were just 15 feet in front of us. Of course that wasn't true, and I knew that.

"Do you see any land?" I asked, the heat beating on my back. I was getting really warm. When we get out of this ocean, I will surely have skin cancer, and badly. Damn you brain and forgetting sun block!

"No. If I could, I would have told you." He said simply, being as cool as ever. Shouldn't he be freaking out since we're lost and probably lost forever? Where are the helicopters or airplanes or boats that could save us? "Stop freaking out. They'll find us soon." 

"Like the navy seals?" I asked.

"The navy seals won't fucking come out here to save us, Kally." Reckson said, and I felt pretty dumb. "We'll. Be. Fine."

"Whatever." I said.


I groaned, "I'm hungry and thirsty." My lips were chapped, and my stomach was growling. 

"We will ration our water, okay. You already drank some water, so you'll have to wait awhile." Reckson told me, and I groaned. He was pretty smart, and really thought things through. If I were on my own, I would have flipped the boat and drank all of my water. 

"I'm bored." I groaned, kicking off my converse and putting my bare feet in the cool water. 

"Really?" Reckson said, scoffing.

Ignoring him, I muttered, "if only the ocean wasn't filled with salt."

"Yeah, well it is so don't drink it." He said, before silence fell once again, leaving me bored again. 

"Do you think we're going in circles?" I asked, looking at him. The sun hitting his skin made him look flawless, and I pinched myself at the thought. 

"Its hard to tell when there is nothing but the same old same old."

I tapped my chin, watching among the horizon for any sight of land or anything that'd bring us back to shore. I wondered if Mrs. Wubscher was looking for us, or if the class noticed that we weren't around. If they called 911, or thought we just turned back. I really hoped they'd return soon and call the navy seals to come save us. Oops, I mean, the water navy seals. 

It had probably been about an hour since we were lost, but I didn't know what time it was because I didn't bring my phone along. I thought it'd fall into the ocean or something. Silly me. 

I was sweating like a pig, and just wanted to tear my clothes off and dump icecubes all over me. But of course, I wasn't able to since 1. I wouldn't take my clothes off in front of Reckson, a boy, and 2. we didn't have icecubes. 

"Maybe we will find an island and find a tribe and join them forever."  I thought, redoing my pony tail so that no hair was touching my skin.  It was hard, since my hands were sweating and my hair was dry.

"I doubt it." Reckson replied, and I kind of felt bad again. He had been paddling for about an hour and I was just lounging around suffering in the heat. Especially since Reckson was wearing all black, along with some tattoos and his hair.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" I asked him.

"I'm sure. If anything, it'd make it a lot more easier for me."

I huffed. "Well I could splash you and stuff. The water isn't warm. Its cold. Nice and refreshing, you know?" 

"Nah." Reckson shook his head, and I looked away from him and back to my feet in the water. 

"What will we do about sleeping arragements? And what if its cold at night? We'll freeze to death and get pnemounia!" I told him, taking my feet out of the water and my limbs back inside the boat.

"First off, its hypothermia, and second of all, we'll be fine when its night time. It'll be cold, but we won't get hypothermia I don't think." Reckson  said, and I really did wonder how cold it'd get at night. What if we had to do what they did in the movies, like strip clothes and lay next to each other? I shivered at the thought.


"I'm cold." I muttered again, my teeth chattering. "Can I sleep by you, Reckson?" 

He grunted, and I wasn't sure if it was a yes or a no but I took it as a yes out of desperation. I clambered off of my spot on the small boat and layed down next to him. I was tempted to wrap his arms around mine like a blanket, but I think that'd be a little awkward. I settled with my front against his back, at least there was a little warmth.

"Its cold." I chattered. "I'm cold. Aren't you?"

"Yes. But stop whining and go to sleep." Reckson muttered. He was so good at keeping his feelings in, and I kind of felt annoying. I was always whining and talking, and yet he hasn't said his thoughts about the accident. Maybe he was whining inside his head, or screaming too.

"Can you wrap your arms around me?" I asked him, but it sounded more chatter like than English. 

"No." He muttered, and I huffed, staying silent to go to sleep. 

It was pretty hard, considering I was shivering in my spot. I was cold to the bone, and my mind just didn't want to shut down, and my eyes wouldn't stay closed. "I-I can't go to sleep." I whispered, "my eyes won't stay closed."

Reckson sighed, turning around in the boat, making it sway a little and wrapped his arms tightly around me. I sighed in contenment, a little warmer than before. "Don't think too hard on this, you wouldn't shut up so I had to." He muttered, and I giggled.

"Thank you." I told him, smiling.


Yes, there are a little bit of unrealistic things in this book, but its fiction anyways!

of course a field trip wouldn't end like this, but stop complaining and just enjoy it!

I hope you liked it and yeah. 

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