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My head was pounding after I woke up from a short nap. "Reck, I think I'm going to die of thirst and dehydration." I groaned, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

He looked fine, as good as new. I'm sitting here sweating like a pig, and probably look like I just came out of a horror movie. "Reck?"

"I didn't feel like saying your name I don't have any energy left." I sighed, closing my eyes. "I wish we had ibuprofen and a lot of water."

"Just stop talking. We don't want you passing out, you know." He said, and I didn't quite know what he meant by that, but shrugged it off.  I was exhausted from being in the heat, and it felt good to just close my eyes and...

The boat wobbled as Reckson started to swear. "Holy shit! Kally! Kally!" He shook me, increasing my headache by bazillion. I groaned, digging my nails in his arms since I couldn't push him away.

"Get off me." I said, gripping my head.

"Look though! There's land!" He said, and his words made my eyes widen. Land? An island? The city? Civilization? I jumped up at all the possibilities and looked where his finger was pointing. Just in the distance, I could see dark outline of mountains or something.

"Oh. My. God." I said slowly, blinking a couple times to see if I was hallucinating. I shook my head, but then regretted it. My brain felt like it was going to explode. "Just, paddle! Paddle quickly." I whisper-yelled, and even that hurt my head.

The more we paddled, the closer we got. But it still felt like forever until we were actually going to make it. It was quite a large area, I could tell, but who knows what lay on it? Maybe no one knew about the island, and we'd have to survive on it.

An hour it seemed passed, and I could see the sand bank. Even the tall palm trees up more on shore. I just wanted to jump out of the boat, and swim the rest of the way there. But I couldn't swim. And my head hurt when I moved. 

When the boat skid from reaching shallow land, I crawled out of the small boat and splashed down into the water. It wasn't deep, the water reaching  above my ears. 


Sweet, sweet land. I picked up some sand and felt it. It was real. I turned so I was on my stomach and crawled until I was on dry sand and rocks. "Reckson, can you believe it?" I asked, breathing in a sigh of relief. 

"I can't actually." He replied,  and I looked up at him, my headache ignored. "We need to go find water or shelter or something."

I nodded my head as he helped me up onto my feet. I was a little wobbly at first, but I soon was walking alright and I followed him into the palm trees. Everything I saw I touched, making sure everything I saw was real and alive.

Stumbling a little bit on roots and vegitation, I slammed into Reckson back as he suddenly stopped. He started to fall forward, and a curse left his lips. I'm pretty sure he had my name in it too. He grabbed hold of my arms as he fell forward, and I was yanked down along with him.

When he landed on the ground, I landed on top of him. And then we started to roll. We stumbled down the hill, and a groan would escape his or I's mouth when we hit our back on something hard. My head would surely have a concussion from all the impact its been taking.

I tried grabbing a spinning palm tree, but everything was moving fast, and I wouldn't have had time. I didn't know where Reckson was, and each time I landed on the ground I couldn't see anything but the sky and a blur of green.

All of a sudden I skidded, before plummeting. My stomach was in my throat by the time I crashed into chilling water. I fell deep into the water, before I was shot up back on the surface.

Someone was yelling something, somewhere but I had no idea what was going on. I was in water, and I couldn't stay up. "Help." I choked, my body in pain. 

There was a splash beside me, and someone's arm wrapped around my waist, dragging me along the water. I was rested down on a warm surface, and someone was heavily breathing beside me.

"Dammit, Kally." Reckson said, and I barely heard it. "You almost killed us."

I lay there for a moment, trying to catch my brain up with what had happened. I couldn't concentrate on anything, and my mind was swirling in all directions. 

I closed my eyes.

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