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harmony | sawyer

HARMONY HAD THE slightest hunch about Sawyer. She had been up all night, and finally realized where she remembered his voice. But she was in denial. There was no way that her Sawyer was the same. popular Sawyer at her school.. right?

sup dumbo

hey, sweetheart

just out of curiosity, where do you go to school?

white willows high. what about you?

oh uh, um, white willows high..

Harmony was freaking out. This was actually the Sawyer at her school. She didn't know what to do, but decided on nothing. She felt that if he knew who she was, he would never talk to her again. Harmony figured that he would probably be disappointed.

oh um. wow. we go to the same school? damn. can i know your name, now? please!

i don't know.. i really hate my name, sawyer..

pleaseee.. imagine me giving you puppy eyes.. if you know what i look like, that is

of course i know what you look like, dumb ass, you're the captain of the fucking boys soccer team and the most popular boy.

hey! you know me but i don't know you. if you won't tell me your name, can we at least meet?

we have before..

what, when? i swear to god please just tell me your name.

god. fine. my name is harmony. stupid name, i know. and before you ask, we've only met once and i never told you my name, so you don't know me.

harmony.. god your name is so beautiful

type my name again



sorry! i had to :)


god you act so innocent.

oh, the things you do to me.

i just thought of something... ;)

holy shit. i just remembered i have school tomorrow. alright bye!

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