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harmony | sawyer

SAWYER WAS WALKING into a small café when a small force bumped into him, taking him by surprise.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I was just in a hurry to get hom-"

Sawyers deep chuckle interrupted the girl, causing her to blush. "It's alright, I wasn't paying attention, either."

He was captivated by the girls beauty and melodic voice. She had a pale complexion with pin straight, almost black hair, that cascaded down to her hips. Her face was heart shaped and carried sapphire colored eyes, thin lips, and perfectly arched eyebrows.

But Sawyer could see some kind of pain hidden beneath her eyes, along with dark circles. She was smiling but it didn't quite reach her eyes. He wondered what this girl had been through, to make her look so.. upset.

As he was about to speak again, she beat him to it.

"Sorry again. I'll see you at school, yeah?

Sawyer was shocked as she quickly left. This girl went to his school? How had he not noticed her before?

What he didn't know, though, was that he had actually just talked to Harmony for the first time. But Harmony knew it was him. Well, she knew he was Sawyer, just not her Sawyer. She only knew him as the hot, popular kid in her grade. Not the annoying dumbo she had been talking to.

god, i hate my life.

what's wrong, sweetheart?

i'm too drained to come back with a sarcastic remark to the new nickname.

but can we possibly call?

um, sure

| incoming call from cutie |


Harmony was shocked by his deep, husky voice. She couldn't help but feel as if she knew the voice. She was hiding in her closet again, afraid to come out. Before texting him, Harmony had thought about almost taking her precious life again, but didn't.

"H-hey. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you," Her voice cracked and she slightly sniffed. Sawyers heart clenched sadly at the thought of his friend crying.

"B-but I just wanted to talk about something." She added.

This sounded nothing like the sarcastic girl he had been talking to. In fact, her voice sounded broken but some how familiar. "Of course, sweetheart."

Harmony let out a small shiver of delight as the nickname rolled off his tongue. She detected an accent, but now wasn't the time to ask.

"T-thank you. W-well, um, I guess I will just explain everything to you. I'm telling you this because I have no one to talk to and I don't really know you. So m-my parents, well they fight a lot. I know that sounds kind of stupid but they fight like, a lot. Ever since I was twelve. Six fucking years and they can't solve whatever is happening. I remember them yelling at each other for hours and hours, and one day when I was sixteen, I finally just broke down crying for the first time. When I turned seventeen, my older brother over dosed because he couldn't take our parents fighting. He also had a pretty shitty life style but he knew I hated them fighting just as much as he did.

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