School day

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Aprils POV

* Beep beep beep*

Ugh, school... school... SCHOOL!

That one word makes me sit bolt upright, for one reason, it's my first day at my new school. If this school was anything like my last one then boy am I in for some trouble. Lets just say my last school wasn't the most kindest and the students had a tendency to make my life hell. All because I was one of the quiet ones and because of what my so called "mother" did.

Finally leaving the safety of my bed behind, I grab a towel from the closet and get in the shower. As the warm water cascades around me I mull over the possible outcomes of today. One, It could be a disaster. Two, Every one could hate me. Three, I could have a few friends. Sighing as my list of out comes become wilder and wilder I quickly apply shampoo then conditioner.

When all of the soap suds have finally left my honey-brown hair, I get out, dry off and go to my room to set out on the task of what to wear. Settling on a red and blue checkered shirt, white tank top underneath, pale blue jeans and brown riding boots, I braid my hair and apply deodorant a little eyeliner. Why do people judge books by their covers, these days? I mean if they got to know people better before making a judgment then the world might just be a friendlier place.

Going back to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I finally notice the Erie silence that engulfs the house. Where is she? Usually my mothers snores can be heard throughout the whole house, but not today. Probably not back from wherever she went last night.

Not having enough time to worry where she is, I head down stairs, make some toast and pack my school bag.Seeing as I don't have much to pack, I head to the front door just in time to see Alice meandering up the path.

"Hey, ready for school?" Alice says grinning.

"As ready as i'll ever be which is never." I shrug, which is true enough.

Closing the door we walk slowly to the joy that will be my first day at school.


"I told you I am busy so stop bugging me and go away" the most evilest receptionist spat, not even bothering to look up from her work.

Someone got out of bed on the wrong side today! All I asked for was my timetable, give the new girl a break!

"Now Miss Isle that is not a very nice way to treat a new student, Is it ?" Alice said in a deadly whisper that radiated with power. Remind me not to get on her bad side, like ever.

At Alice's tone and choice of words Miss evil receptionist lady sat bolt upright, a look of pure fright and terror plastered on her face.

" Miss E-Elwood I d-did not see you there." The evil receptionist stuttered.

"No you obviously did not, be careful about what you say otherwise i might have to tell my father about how you have spoken to my friend next time." Alice spat, her facial expression implying that she would not hesitate to carry out her threat.

OK, who is Alice's dad and what makes him so powerful and scary that just the mention of his name could make Miss evil receptionist that scared of him? Make that two mental notes don't annoy Alice's dad ether.

"If we could just have April Walter's time table and locker key then we will be on our way." Alice stated, crossing her arms.

Getting up of of her chair the receptionist moved quickly to a filing cabinet to look for my new timetable. Turning to look at me Alice grinned and winked at me which I replied with a look of pure confusion. Turning away from the cabinet with a sheet of paper, the receptionist handed me it and a key for what I can only guess is my locker.

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