the final puzzle piece

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Inky-back clouds swallowed up all of the sky above me, not letting a single ray of sunlight penetrate the thick blanket above me. The heavens just managing to contain the heavy weight of the downpour waiting to happen. How long they could hold in the downpour was uncertain but I was thankful for what little time they could give me. 

The rhythmic thump-thump of my feet on the track surface slowly helping me to ignore the burning sensation in my legs. Why not stop, you might ask? Stopping only meant more running for a longer period of time after school. Detention P.E style. The enforcer of this torment, Mr Brunt, a middle-aged balding ginger who is currently huddled under an umbrella anticipating the oncoming storm. 

"Keep it up ladies!" He yelled, how he got the job I will never know because, from what it seems, he has as much experience as B.O.B from monsters vs aliens when it comes to P.E. Not to mention the same brain power. 

The heavens could no longer hold back the rain, it seemed, as the first of many icy raindrops hit me and tumbled down my cheek. Gradually, the rain fell harder until it started falling in sheets. Pelting against my already throbbing legs and seeping through my skin until I was drenched through.

Alice was far ahead of me, around the other side of the track even, running alone apart from a single girl forever on her heals but never quite catching up with her. I am a fast runner,well faster then all the rest of the girls bar Alice and her pursuer, but how they ran so fast for so long was a mystery to me. She was fast too fast, for a human. But was she even that? I am beginning to turn to fantasy for my answers. Whether it is wise to think that she might be a unicorn in disguise is a different thing all together...

"Last lap!" Mr Brunt yelled from the safety of his umbrella. It was alright for him cozy and dry under his umbrella, never mind the rest of us. 

Slowly, painfully slow, the finish line creeps ever closer. 250 meters. 200 meters. 100. 50. Finished! Coming to a stop, the full effects of the two hour mini-marathon take over. My legs starting to turn to jelly, lungs desperately taking in much needed oxygen, I felt a hand tap my shoulder. Turning around, I see the same dark haired girl that was running behind Alice, my water bottle in her hand.

"This yours" she asked, offering me the water bottle.  

Nodding, I hastily took the bottle and drank deeply, the water cooling the burning feeling in my lungs. 

"Thanks, umm..." I trailed off, not knowing her name.

"Darcy, Darcy  De Noir and you are?." Darcy said, giving me an evil smirk. 

Happy thoughts, April, happy thoughts. You arn't allowed to hit someone at school, they didn't say anything about off school.

"Apr..."  I stop hearing a low growl.

"Leave her alone, Darcy. You have caused enough hurt for one day." Alice spat, was that Alice growling?  

"Chill, I'm leaving. Wouldn't want to stay too long near you any way." Darcy sneered, flipping her hair and walking away. 

Those two defiantly hate each other. I can't blame Alice though when Darcys' family attacked her.

 "Come on lets get changed." I said, walking to the changing rooms. 

The changing rooms, how best to describe them? That they were damp dark and dingy? Nah, that would be exaggerating. But they weren't in the best of conditions with mud trampled across the floor, benches arranged in an arch around the room and gratified lockers on one wall didn't help its case. And i am NOT going anywhere near the mould ridden and strangely hairy showers. 

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