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CHAPTER ONE | intruder.

Black, gloved hands gently pushed open the backyard sliding door. The long yet agile fingers gripping the pristine glass in the most gentle way. He didn't want to cause a scene. His calculating blue orbs scanned over the small apartment. As quiet as a church mouse, he stepped inside the home, carful not to make any noise.

After closing the sliding door again, he turned and inhaled the natural aroma of the modest home. It smelled of raw cocoa butter and shea, a scent he had come to adore. The blue eyed male's pupils dilated in adoration as he looked around the apartment that was shrouded in darkness. It hadn't been the first time in her home, and it certainly wouldn't be the last time.

Victor took one last whiff of the sweet smell before heading to her bedroom. His lightweight boots made little to no noise as he stepped quietly towards the room. He could barley contain his excitement as he reached the closed door. One of his blonde curls fell to his face as he studied the name printed in caps on the door. A slight chuckle left his lips. Only his beloved would put her name to her own room when she lived alone.

Resting his gloved hand on the doorknob, he turned the silver material. His heart was ready to burst out of his chest when the door creaked open. He pushed the white, wooden portal out of his way as he stepped into her room. The shea and cocoa smell was much more stronger, but he wasn't complaining.

His footsteps neared her bed and with every step, Victor felt himself grow excited. There she lay, right in front of him. In her most purest and innocent form.

Her brown skin glistened in the moon's silver light, making her look like much of a goddess. He grimaced as he glanced at the open window. She needed to close it while she slept. Didn't she know there were weirdos around? The last thing Victor needed was someone else looking at what was his and his alone.

A silk bonnet covered her kinky curly mane. Her eyes were closed in a gentle manner. Her long, ebony eyelashes accented her eyelids. His eyes scanned down her broad nose and lingered at her slightly parted, plump lips. They were a pouty pink that he would love to lean down and touch with his own. Nevertheless— he had to be patient. The time where he would claim her as his was drawing ever so near. Alas, he wasn't a patient man. If he kept visiting her like this, he was surely going to touch her.

He brought up his left hand that was clad in leather. He quickly removed the glove, letting the warm air of the apartment kiss his olive skin. Swallowing, he brushed his knuckles against her smooth cheek. A moan threatened to leave his throat as he felt her smooth skin under his hand. His hand traveled south and he used his thumb to touch her full lips. Soon, he reminded himself. Soon.

His cyan irises wandered down her bare neck and to her collarbone. That would be the resting place of all the hickeys he would give her as she called his name in pure ecstasy. His eyes wandered lower and captured–oh, what's this?

A oversized, white t-shirt was all she was wearing. Her breasts were pressed against the front, nipples erect as if to taunt him of what he couldn't have. Her thick thighs peeked from under the shirt.  Her red panties were visible due to the shirt being scrunched up at her hips.

Victor stumbled back as he felt the crotch of his jeans get tighter than it already was. Was she teasing him? She knew he was going to be here, and that's why she was taunting him like this. Yes, that had to be the reason. What a dirty tease, his lover was. Submitting herself to him like this, knowing he couldn't have her yet.

He had to relieve himself.

Stuffing his hand deep in his pocket, he pulled out a rubber. He quickly unbuttoned his jeans, pulling his throbbing member out. He knew he was pitiful for this, but this was the only way he wouldn't pounce on her and take her as she slept. Roughly, as he may add.

He tore the condom open with his teeth, not hesitating to roll it down his length. He let out a shaky breath as he stared at her sleeping form.

He moved his hand from the base of his length to the tip. How dare she tempt him like this? Did she want him to break the little self restraint he had? He grunted, leaning his back into he wall behind him. He would punish her for this, oh yes. He would have to spank that tight ass of hers. He would have to teach her not to be such a seductress around him.

A quiet, yet deep moan left his throat as he continued to touch himself. He remembered the soft feel of her lips underneath the pad of his thumb. The same lips that will soon be at the bottom of his cock. Did she have a gag reflex? Oh well, it didn't matter to him. He brought his gloved hand to his lips to muffle his moans.

He softly called her name into his hand, feeling himself get closer to his climax. He had to be quiet. He didn't want to wake his princess up from her beauty rest, now did he?

He took another look at her thick thighs. Oh how he would love to kiss up the smooth surface and lap up the sweet juices that came from her flower. He would love to make her cum just by his tongue alone. Yes, having her grip his hair as she screamed his name in pleasure, begging for the mercy he wouldn't give. Then, he would bury his cock deep inside her. Thrusting roughly until she scratched his back up.

His eyes wondered to her lips once more and he lost it. He blew his load into the condom. Hot semen left his penis as he grunted. Closing his eyes briefly, he pulled off the condom and tied it before pocketing it. He couldn't throw it away in here, no. That was too suspicious.

He stuffed his semi hard penis back into his jeans. He pulled the leather glove back into his left hand. A thin blanket of sweat covered the man's body.

He walked towards the bed and sat down, watching her chest rise and fall.
He smiled in adoration. Soon, he would be able to sleep in the same bed as her.

Soon, he could show her how much he really loved her.

A/N — welcome to my first chapter of! As you can see, Victor is love struck, even if it's in a crazy way! Anyway, please don't forget to vote and comment! It means a lot.

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