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CHAPTER THREE | confusion.

Anubis awkwardly walked back to the cash register where her best friend looked at her confusingly. Anubis glanced back at Victor's empty spot, she too confused on what just happened.

"What was that?" Kiara whisper yelled, glancing at the door as well. Her eyebrows knitted together as she interrogated her best friend.

"I..." The darker woman trailed off. She didn't know herself. "I have no idea. I thought it would be entertaining to talk to Victor–"

"Victor? Icky Vicky Victor?" She questioned. "Icky Vicky" had been her best friend's nickname for the quiet man since he always stared at her. Anubis had told Kiara on many occasions to drop the name, as it was rude. The brunette never listened though.

Anubis sighed. "Don't call him that, Ki." She reasoned.

"Hell nah, that man is a creep." She muttered, combing her fingers through her limp locks. Anubis sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

"He's not a creep. Not everybody is a wild extrovert like you." She teased. It was true. Out of the pair, Kiara would always be the one partying and making new friends. Anubis just liked to chill. They were polar opposites, but great friends.

"I don't trust his ass. He gives me the heebie jeebiez." She shuddered, bringing her hands to her arms in a protective manner. The darker woman rolled her eyes. Believe it or not, she said the same thing about Luca before the two started–talking?

She shook her head, not wanting any thoughts of Luca stressing her out than she already was.

"You know what, who cares. It's over now."

Anubis walked into her apartment, regretting ever leaving her sweet abode. She hated having to be on her feet for her nine to five. It paid her bills, yes, but as a result, her feet suffered. She groaned and closed the door behind her.

Her chocolate orbs that were laced with fatigue made contact with her sliding door. It was unlocked. Again. Anubis plopped down into her couch, not even having the strength to close it. Maybe she was being haunted. She was planning on moving anyways, but black people and ghosts don't mix. If there was a spirit other than the holy one in her home, she would dip so quick. Trust.

She stretched out her joints, hearing the faint yet satisfying cracks of her joints. Her tiny fingers found the cool surface of her phone and brought it up to her face.

No missed calls.

So Luca was really going to make a bitch double call? Cursing him out in her mind, she dialed his number again. The top row of her teeth came down on her plump lower lip. Come on. She thought.

As expected, his phone went straight to voicemail. Was he serious? She groaned louder this time. Had she done something wrong?

"Hey asshole! If you don't want me any more just tell me! Stop avoiding me damnit!" She barked into his voicemail, her third one to be exact. Frustration bit at her mind. She could never catch a break, could she?

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