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CHAPTER TWO | quick glances.

"I'm telling you, Kiara. It's literally almost every single day." Anubis vented to her best friend. Her once bright orbs were laced with worry and mild fear. Her plump lip was brutally cut into by her top row of teeth. She ran her dark fingers through her kinky puff, stress and confusion running through her being.

It had been the third time this week that she found her sliding door unlocked and her previously opened window closed and locked. She didn't know if she had some homeless bum living with her or if she was being haunted. Not to mention she'd been seeing black figures in the corner of her eye as she left for her waitress job in the morning.

She put her palms over her mouth. Was she worrying over nothing?

"Girl, calm yourself. It's probably just nothing." Kiara said, sympathy and worry for her friend lacing her voice. Kiara played with her locks of wavy brown hair. "You've been stressed. You know what stress can do to people."

Kiara's words went into one ear and out the other. She was so sick of people telling her it was "nothing". First her mother, then her sister, now her best friend? She knew what she heard. She knew what she saw. Why couldn't people believe her?

She forced a smile on her face and let out a few chuckles. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, shaking her head. "You know what, you right KiKi. " she lied, placing her fingers on the wooden counter.

She took in a deep breath, the scent of coffee and cheesecake infiltrating her senses. "I'm stressed." Kiara let out a broad smile, showing off her pearly whites. She grabbed the menus off the counter.

"I know I'm right. Now just call up Luca, and he'll relieve some stress." Anubis' face started to burn as she looked at her best friend's retreating form in disbelief. Luca was her classmate down at a local university she was going to. Not long after the school year started, they had become friends. Soon after that, they became more than that. He wouldn't quite say he was in a relationship with her, but he would refer to her as "baby" or "my girl".

But see, Luca had been missing for a while now. Ever since the two saw each other last week, he had yet to return any of her calls. He never came to class. Even his friends didn't know what landed him off the radar. It honestly worried her.

The dark woman sighed, resting her elbow on the counter next to the cash register. She really needed to get away from all this mess. Her bored chocolate orbs looked over the small cafe before eventually making contact with sharp blue ones.

She raised her eyebrow and observed the person that the eyes belonged to. The blondish–brunette man widened his blue orbs for a split second before turning away from her. He started aggressively typing away at his matte laptop, making her wonder if he was really writing something in there.


His little staring episode hadn't been the first time he'd done it. Kiara and her both had caught him staring a multitude of times. It was quite obvious the man had more than just a little crush on her. Although she had never personally talked to the man before, Kiara had told her that his name was Victor, and he somehow knew her name. He had requested for her to serve him before, but unfortunately for him, she was out sick at the time. Anubis chalked it up to her having her name tag on the swell of her left breast.

At first, she had found it a little creepy that this grown man was starring at her. Now, she found it a little cute. Not to mention the way he would look away flustered like a school boy was kind of funny.

Feeling lucky, she picked up her notepad and stepped from behind the counter. Time to meet Mr. Stare.

He always sat near one of the windows of the cafe. Anubis put a friendly smile on her plump lips before stopping next to his table.

"Hello, welcome to Cafe Blue." Said said the practices line cheerfully as her smile widened.

Victor froze before slowly looking up at her. His blue eyes reflected disbelief as he stared at her and his pink lips hung slightly agape.

She raised her eyebrow. Why did her look so surprised? After ten seconds of staring at her, he cleared his throat before quickly closing his ebony laptop.


His voice was a deep baritone that caught the dark girl off guard. His voice was smooth like silk, with an accent that she couldn't quite catch staining his words.

Anubis took this time to properly check the man out. She had always seen him from far away, but now that he was right in front of her, he was a lot more–well–attractive. His blondish brown loose curls lay on top of his head in a controlled manner, only one of them falling into his face. He had thick eyebrows that led to beautiful blue orbs, well behind his black, rounded glasses. His eyes heavily accented his light skin tone. He had a straight nose and pouty pink lips. A five o' clock shadow settled itself on his sharp jaw. Anubis was shocked. He was quite the looker.

"I notice you always sit back here," she started, avoiding the intense stare of his cyan irises. "Are you going to order today?"

The man's ears turned a bright shade of red. He balled his hand up into a fist on his laptop. Anubis noticed a thick silver ring on his pointer and an expensive looking watch on his thick wrist. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, signifying he gulped.

"You have?" He asked, ignoring her other question.

The man didn't seem weird to her, he was probably just a reclusive. It didn't help his case that every time he'd come to the cafe he'd never speak to anyone. Anubis laughed.

"Yes, you're not very subtle when you're staring at me."

"Vous avez vu ça? I'm sorry." he apologized. That's where his accent was from, he was French!

"You're French?"

The man averted his eyes and simply nodded. His pink tongue peeked out to lick his lips in an almost nervous way. Man, he was really awkward.

"Oh, cool." She said, awkwardly. "Um, do you want something?"

The man's eyes snapped back to her's as she looked at him in confusion. Something flashed in his eyes as soon as she said that. He shook his head before gathering his stuff.


"No." The man affirmed. He placed his computer in the bag she didn't know he had. He stood to his full height that clearly towered over her five–four stature. He had to be at least six–two. Damn, he was tall.

She stepped out of the way for him to move, and surely enough he did. Without another word, he left the cafe.

A/N — ooooh looks like we have our first look at our main character and her best friend. Seems like our Victor has something going on with him. Why did he leave so quickly? Anyways, please don't forget to vote and comment, it means a lot.

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