Chapter one: new girl in school

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Watching the cars go by while my stupid family takes a road trip from Oregon to California. Oh did I mention I'm moving to this shit hole of a state? Yep! My stupid Sperm donor aka father got a job in California. I miss all of my friends back in Oregon.
We took a pit stop and took out a cigarette out of my purse and started to smoke. "Mommy, Cassy is smoking again!" Yelled my stupid little sister Debbie to my mother. "Cassandra Eleanor De Luca!!!" Oh great full name, I just rolled my eyes and put my cigarette out and walk to my family car. "Cassandra you know how much I hate you smoke in front of your sister!" "Well you shouldn't make me fucking move to California!" I yelled at my mom and my dad just rolled his eyes like always

~5 hours later~

Our new house it looks like a shit hole

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Our new house it looks like a shit hole.... I went to take my boxes to my new room. When I was taking out the last box out of the car I notice in the corner of my eye was a Handsome tall guy in a leather jacket and smoking a cigarette.
"Hey do you need a hand?" The man comes up to me and gave me a smirk "I'm Kenickie Murdoch what's your name cutie?" I smiled and put the box down, "I'm Cassandra De Luca but my friends call me Cassy."
We started to talk more about me and him will be going to the same school and our likes and dislikes till my mom yelled me to go inside for dinner "I guess I'll see you soon sweet heart." Kenickie gave me and a wink then went inside and I went inside as well.

~next morning~
I woke up and got dress

"Oh Cassandra dear tomorrow we are gonna enroll you to the school and you're coming with me so I suggest to wear something that's not like a hoodlum!" I gave my mom a glare and went back in my room and put my disgusting

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"Oh Cassandra dear tomorrow we are gonna enroll you to the school and you're coming with me so I suggest to wear something that's not like a hoodlum!" I gave my mom a glare and went back in my room and put my disgusting

"Oh Cassandra dear tomorrow we are gonna enroll you to the school and you're coming with me so I suggest to wear something that's not like a hoodlum!" I gave my mom a glare and went back in my room and put my disgusting

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"There ya happy ma?" As i roll my eyes she smiled and we went to the school. I cover my face so no one would see me. I sat in the hallway while waiting for my mom to sign me up till I heard a familiar voice. Shit it's Kenickie! I went to hide my face in a book I found on the table. I peek who's with him 3 goofy looking guys and one handsome man like I never seen a man like him ever.

Danny's POV
"So I'm going to the beach this weekend any of you guys wanna come we can find some hotties there!" I said in a eager voice, "I can't my old man wants me to help him at his job." Kenickie said sadly. "Me Doody and Putzie have plans this weekend with our families." Sonny said "man screw you guys I'm gonna find a hunny and gonna go all the way!" We all laugh and saw a girl sitting in the school hiding her face."
"Hey Kenickie who is this chick?" Kenickie looked up "probably a newbie gonna be a cheerleader and Virgin." Kenickie said laughing. We all laugh and went pass her.

Cassey's POV
Shit that was a close one if Kenickie saw me in this get up that would be the end of me! I hid my face running to the car ran pass the guys and hid myself so the guys don't see me.
I went back to my normal outfit and went outside for a smoke when I got outside I saw Kenickie on his front porch I smiled and went over to him and gave him a cigarette. "Sooooo why were you wearing that get up at the school?" He smirk

I froze and started to shake, "w-what are y-you talking about Kenickie??" I said while stuttering

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I froze and started to shake, "w-what are y-you talking about Kenickie??" I said while stuttering. He laugh and lit his cigarette "you wouldn't think I would know your car when I saw you and your mom drive off out of the school?" Shit he knew it was me I cover my face ashamed, he gave me a hug from the side "don't worry I won't tell no one that you're a preppy little girl." He said with a smirk. "My mother made me wear it she doesn't like it when I wear my outfits she wants me to fit in so she bought me new clothes without my permission! Also why were you in the school grounds?" "Just making havoc around the school before it starts I wanted to graffiti T-Birds on the lockers but Sonny forgot the paint!" "What and who are the T-birds?" He pretend to gasp dramatically then tells me all about the T-Birds how he's the leader and his best friend is the second in command Danny Zuko.

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