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When I was younger, my father told me that alcohol was bad. It tasted bad, it was bad for me, bad things happened to people who depend on it to go on. He wasn't wrong. Alcohol sucks, well, I only drank a can of beer, but it tasted like shit.

Anyways, it is oddly soothing. I wanted to cry, my eyes were ready, but it didn't happen at first. Instead, an awkward laugh, and the need to eat a sandwich were  my companions is this seemingly endless night. I played some games, most of which resulted in me holding tighter to one thought.

"He said he would let you win once, videogames have never been your thing".

The boy with the crazy hair and calming blue eyes is probably doing worse than me. But I try to concentrate on Victoria, she is my friend tonight. Victoria, my grandfather's favourite beer tastes like an old fart.

There was a dog somewhere in brain, but I can't find him. It's strange to be surrounded by nothingness. I hear the boy, or at least I think I do. He's singing a song, a sad song, as usual, and I'm too distracted by his voice to notice that I started crying.

Fuck you Victoria.

I tend to bottle up my anger, but it doesn't always work. I don't know what to do. So, I sit on my bed, looking at the wall, wondering how many times he hit a wall without me knowing.

Don't punch it. Why not? It's not right. Who cares? You do, and you know it. Do I? Yes, you idiot. And, your pain tolerance is shit. So calm the hell down. Ok.

I listen to music, and only then I realize that my music is not mine, but ours.

He won't wait for us. Yes, he will. Oh shut the fuck up, you're just being stubborn. And you're being an ass. Whatever. Look, I know you're mad, but it's gonna be ok. It'S GonNA bE Ok. Wow, mature.

Oh, there you are. Can you stop  whining? He doesn't hate you, ok? He loves you ... He'll find me, in the kingdom of moving pictures for the world to enjoy. Maybe there, even star-crossed lovers can meet again.

Love, AD

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