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"Tell me you hate me and never want to see me again," I tell Noam. Noam excuses himself from Finn and pulls me to the side. "What? Why would you say that?" he says, reaching for my hand. I pull my hand away, shaking my head. "Please. Just tell me that," I say, looking down while crying. Noam puts his hands on my face and holds up my face.

"I can never say that. You mean too much to me. Just tell me what's going on," Noam says while looking into my eyes. But how can I tell him that this whole time, all the dates, all the laughs and hugs, all of that was fake. There is no way I can tell him that. He's opened up so much, imagine me telling him this and he shuts everyone out again.

"Catalina? Please, tell me," Noam says, wiping away a tear. I take in a deep breathe and look at him. "This whole time. This whole dating thing we had, it was all a bet Becky and I did. I didn't think it would go this far and I'm so sorry," I explain to him. Noam stared at me, his facial expression going from worried to upset.

Those words that I just spoke out shook Noam. With his facial expression changing, he took his hand away from my face, slowly backing away from me. Finn had left at this point, so he sat down on the chair he was sat on before the two conversed, just to take it all in. "Was any of this real? This was all. . . some joke?" He thought to himself. He looked up at me and with a deep breath he soon spoke. ". . . What?" He asked, softly. "What did you just say?" He added now, with a much larger tone of voice.

"Noam, I'm sorry. You have to understand-" I start but soon Noam cut me off. "Yeah, no- don't bother explaining. Just stay away from me, yeah?" His final words were, before getting up and punching a nearby equipment box.

Now, I can't just tell you everything without explaining myself. The things I did to him were unforgivable, maybe even as bad as to hate me. But he doesn't. And that's the thing with Noam. He might be this rough, big dude but he really is a big softie on the outside. But like I said, I have to explain myself. So let me start from the beginning.

It all started with this one bet..
"Becky. What are you doing?" I ask her as I watch her mess with her plate. "Huh? Oh, I'm pranking Sami and Kevin. One second," she says, focusing on her master plan. I shake my head, continuing to eat. Becky and I have been friends since I joined WWE two years ago. I'm mostly the one who's always in the background and hardly have any matches unless it is house shows. Funny, right?

I'm on Smackdown but only get used on house shows. It kinda sucks but I'm used to it by now. As long as I'm doing something I love, that's all that matters to me. "Done!" Becky screams out, making me jump a bit. I look at her plate and see her quinoa in a heart shape. "Beck? What are you planning?" I say, chuckling a bit. "I'm gonna tell them 'congratulations' and hand them the plate. But they are not even married," Becky says, slapping her knee.

I look at her, shaking my head. "Oh Becky," I say, getting up. Once I get up, I bump into a large figure, getting my food all over them and me.

The large figure turns around and it was soon to be recognised as the Scottish Supernova, Noam Dar. "I- what are you doing?!" He exclaims, looking at the mess of food there was on us both. I look at him, unable to say anything. "I.. I'm sorry. I was not paying attention," Catalina says as she looks at his shirt. "Watch where you're going, do you have ANY idea how much this costs?" He continues, angrily wiping the food off, some stains left in the fabric.

Once I heard the rude words come out of his mouth, I scoffed. "Wow, I take my sorry back. Maybe you should look down and watch were YOU are going," I say, looking at Noam.

A frown now appears on his face, clearly upset and mad. "Um, what?! Excuse me? You bumped in to ME." He said as he looked me up and down. When I turned away, I heard him take a deep breath before sighing and walking his own way, to change his shirt. I groan and walk to throw my stuff away before returning back to Becky. "Can you believe the likes of him!? Ugh! He makes me so upset," I say, crossing my arms.

"Cat, what are you talking about? Did you not notice him checking you out?" Becky says, looking at me before wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes, grunting. "Whatever, I don't get him. He's so rude to everyone and I don't understand why," I say to Becky.

Noam always was quite but once anyone would talk to him, he was quite the opposite. "Let's make a deal?" Becky says, pushing her plate away. "I'm afraid what kind of deal," I say, sitting up. "Noam. Let's make a bet," she says, looking around. Becky gets close to me before saying, "I bet you can't make him fall in love with you before the Royal Rumble," she whispers, smirking. "Wait, what!? Are you insane?" I whisper back, looking around. "Well, I might be a little bit. Do we have a deal?" Becky says, holding out her hand.

I looked at Becky, making a face. Betting on a boy who hates my guts and everyone around me? "You are on. But one thing, if I win, you have to change your hair color," I say. "Fine, and if I win, you have to get a tattoo. On your back," She says, smiling. "You're on," I say, shaking her hand.

What have I gotten myself in to?

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