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Today was the first of many horrible days. The start of the stupid bet Becky and I started. I was currently reading a promo I was doing with Shane to announce the new General Manager of SmackDown Live and 205. Daniel was finally going back to wrestling full time and we had to discus who was going where. "So, Cat. Who would be your picks for the shows?" Shane says to while sitting up on his chair. I look at the papers and then him, sighing. "Honestly? I would pick Paige for Smackdown but for 205, I'm not sure," I tell him, handing him the papers.

Shane looks at me, taking in a deep breathe. The bet. Catalina, the bet! I can pose as GM for 205 and win this bet against Becky. I got this. Maybe. "Hey, Shane. Can I talk to you later on about this? I need to go run something with someone and then let you know," I say, getting up while collecting my papers.

"You have thirty minutes," Shane says, getting up. I nod quickly and run out, looking for Becky. I spotted the fiery redhead by catering and book it towards her. "Beck!" I scream out. Becky jumps up, looking towards me. "What!?" she says, backing away from me. "We need to talk, Now!" I say, pulling her towards an area away from everyone. "Tell me being GM for 205 is a good idea," I tell her. Becky coughs, setting down her quinoa. "What? Why would you- Oh! I see," Becky says, realizing what I was saying. "See? So should I do it?" I ask her, smiling widely. "Yes! Do it. I want to see this go down literally right in front of me," Becky says as she smirks.

I roll my eyes and give her a quick hug before booking it back to Shane. I went to gorilla and told Shane about my idea and he said it was good BUT he was gonna have Drake still with me for back up. We agreed on the idea and waited till Smackdown begins.

"Hello, Pittsburg! Welcome to Smackdown Live!" Shane says, smiling as he looks around the crowd. I took a deep breathe, trying to calm myself down. In a few moments, Shane will be announcing the new GMs and I was nervous. It was my first time I was going to actually participate in something big. I'm usually just backstage in catering waiting for a big break.

"Now, we all know Daniel is gonna be wrestling full time so we need a new GM for Smackdown and also for 205. Would you please stand up and welcome the new general manager of Smackdown live!" Shane says, pointing towards the stage. "Goodluck," I say to Paige. Paige smiles at me before walking out to her theme music.

The crowd screams out in cheers, seeing her walk down the stage. "Hello guys!" she screams out, laughing hearing the crowd scream out louder. "I'm so happy to be here with you guys. Now, without further ado, I'm gonna introduce the new general manager of 205 Live!" she says, pointing out to the stage.

I take one last deep breathe and walk out, smiling and waving. The crowd reaction was okay, obviously was not gonna be filled with screams. I walked down and got in the ring, hugging Shane and Paige. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity, Shane. It means a lot to me and I appreciate it," I say, addressing myself to Shane. "No problem, I wish you two the best," Shane says, smiling.

His music starts playing, telling us our time is up. We get out, walking to the back. I meet up with Becky, smiling. "Hey girl! Oh, excuse me hey GM!" Becky jokes, bowing down at me. I roll my eyes, looking at her. "Get up, dork," I tell her, laughing a bit. Becky gets up, looking behind me. "Don't look now but, Noam is marching this way," Becky says, nudging behind me. I turn, looking at him.

Noam walks past Becky and I. He was on his phone being distracted something. He finally put his device back in his pocket and went to the vending machine, which was right next to where we were. I look at Becky and roll my eyes at him.

When Noam chose his snack from the vending machine, he looked over and saw Becky and I talking and watching him. He shook his head and had a look on his face as if to say "Who are you looking at?". He walked past us before stopping. "Oh, it's you. I guess congratulations are in order."

Before I could reply, Noam walked off again. "Watch this," I tell Becky. "Hey! Wait up." I say while running up to Noam. "Since I'm the new gm, maybe you could, I don't know, be nicer yeah?" I say, standing infront of Noam, stopping him in his tracks. "Maybe even show me around?" I ask as I sway a bit on my heels, shoving my hands in my back pocket.

"Show you around?" He says back sarcastically. "Yeah, sure. You see these signs here, they tell you where to go. Follow them, and you'll get to where you want. And oh, just because you're the GM, I don't have to do shi—". Noam stops and thinks for a few seconds, looking me up and down. Noam scoffs before saying, "Y'know what? You're actually bearable when you're nice, so fine. I'll show you around".

I tilted my head sideways, rolling my eyes. "If I asked for signs, I would have ran away once I saw 'douche bag' over your head," I say. I get a bit closer to Noam, smirking. "You know what? You are not such a douche when you try to play nice," I pat Noam's shoulder before walking away. I stop half way, before turning back to him. "You can show me around later on, tonight." I say before blowing a kiss and walking away.

What a dafty.

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