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After 205 finished, I raced to the locker room to grab my bags. Today was a crazy day and I wanted just to go home. "Cat! Where are you going so quickly?" I hear Noam say out into the distance. I stoo in my tracks and sigh. I turn around, watching him move closer to me. "What do you want?" I say, raising an eyebrow. "Well you are leaving pretty quickly for a gm," he says, slipping on his jacket.

"And it matters to you because?" I say, making a hand gesture. "Because Drake wants to see you," he says, pointing behind him. I move a bit, looking at Drake. Drake motions me over and I groan. I walk past Noam, walking fast to him. "Yes, Drake?" I say, looking at him. "You can't leave without me," he says. I look down, sighing. "I can handle her by myself," I say, looking back at him.

"Yes, but she's my daughter. And you promise," he says but I quickly cut him off. "Don't mention what I promised," I say, gritting my teeth. "Good, wait here," he says, walking into the locker room. I lean against the box equipment and notice Noam looking at me.

"Can I help you!" I yell over at him. Noam walks over to me, a small and slight smile on his face. "I would but my phone would crack. Just kidding! I heard what happened out there, seemed pretty rough, huh?" He said, walking over to me. I roll my eyes, turning towards him. "He's just annoying. Don't worry about it," I run my hand through my hair. "And I didn't think you would stick around. 205 is over anyways," I raise an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side.

"Seems it. I still need to get changed, and ready to go." Noam replies, leaning on another equipment box opposite from me. "And you'd rather bother me instead? How lovely," I say with a slight smile. "Actually, I came to see if you were okay, but sure, I can bother you." he says back, replying to me smile with one of his own.

I groan, tilting my head back. "Sure, add it to the wonderful first night I've already had," I say before sitting on the equipment box. "I can see you're not in the mood to joke." He says, pulling out his phone. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed with everything going on," I say before sighing softly. "I get it, I just don't get why you gotta take it out on me. Go home, order food. Chill out. Don't stay here where you're going to get stressed." he says, looking up from his phone and meeting me by also sitting on an equipment box, the one still opposite of me.

I chuckle a bit, looking down before looking back up at him. "I wish I could leave. I have to wait for Drake to stop talking to everyone," I say, leaning forward a bit. "Do you want me to get you something from catering?" Noam asks, smiling softly. I look towards the direction Drake went and then back at Noam. "I can sneak away and we can get something to eat?" I say with a slight smile.

"Let's go. My treat, since you're clearly...stressed." He says, jumping off the equipment box and looking up at me. I jump down, rolling my bags along. "How was your match against Daivari? Not sure why I asked if I was there at ring side," I say, letting out a small laugh. "It was good, yeah! Bit sore, however." he laughs softly as he looks at me, walking to the catering room in the arena.

I grab a plate before looking back at Noam. "Well, to be fair, any match you guys do are amazing," I say, smiling at Noam. "Is- Is that a compliment? And a smile?" He says, smiling back at me as he grabs a plate after, filling it with salad. I smile, shaking my head. "Shush it, Noam. Take it or leave it," I say, nudging him to the side a bit. "I'll take it! Especially from you, you never dish out compliments!" He said, now sitting down at a table with me.

"I say compliments, just not when it comes to you," I say before taking a bite from my food. "When it comes to me, huh? Am I that special?" he said, laughing softly and sarcastically. "You wish, Dar" I say, smiling at him before looking at my phone. "Hm, is that so?" He says, sarcastically before beginning to eat. I set down my phone, looking at Noam before saying, "I mean, your not that bad."

"I'll take that." He adds, taking another bite of his food before looking me up and down. "Oh my gosh," I mumble before picking up my phone again. "What?!" Noam says, laughing softly. "If Drake texts me one more time, I'm gonna scream," I say, shoving my phone in my pocket. Noam smiles and laughs to himself before asking, "Do you want me to text him instead?"

I shake my head. "It would maybe upset him and I don't want a lecture from him for four hours." "Yeah, I get that." He says as his smile fades and continues to eat. "Well I'm gonna go, don't want him to show up and make a scene. I'll see you around, Scottland," I say before getting up, smiling down at Noam. "He shouldn't treat you the way he treats you, y'know.." He says quietly to me as I get up. "It's not right," Noam adds on. I sigh softly, nodding a bit. "I know, it's just a deal we have. It will be over soon." I reply back to him. "A deal? What do you mean, deal?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Catalina!" Drake calls out towards me. I jump up a bit, looking at him. "Let's go," he says with a stern voice. I get up, looking at Noam. "Sorry about him," I mumble to him before rolling my bags towards Drake. Drake and I start walking and notice from the corner of my eye Noam staring at us. His jaw was clenched and his fist was tightly closed.

"Don't run off," Drake says before wrapping a hand around my waist. I look up at Drake and scoff. "Just because I have a promise with my sister doesn't mean you can control me," I mumble towards him, making sure people around us didn't hear. "Just reminding you who's the boss, honey," Drake says before planting a soft kiss on the side of my head.

I can't wait till I get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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