•Chapter One•

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Fyi this is always going to be in your POV unless I say otherwise. Also, the picture is going to be your outfit but if you don't like it you don't have to use it.

I walk with my dad to our new house. I mean trailer. We're in this small place on the south side of Riverdale called Sunnyside Trailer Park. We get to our trailer and head inside. There's a small seating area and then a hallway to our rooms and the bathroom. I head to my room and start unpacking my suitcase.

Once I'm done, I head out with my mom's old truck to find a nice place to hang out that's away from my dad. I find a place called the Whyte Wyrm and park my truck. I sit and debate with myself weather I should get out or not. I decide against it seeing as there's a bunch of tough looking guys wearing leather jackets that say "Southside Serpents" on them, standing outside. I pull away and head to the north side do find a place that isn't inhabited by a gang.

I find a cute little diner called Pop's and decide that's a lot better. I walk in and find a nice looking old man running the register with a name tag that says 'Pop'.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I pause for a minute and look at the menu they have sitting out. "I'll have a strawberry milkshake." He nods his head and takes it down on his paper. "Got it! You can find a seat anywhere." I head over to a booth and hear the door jingle. I look up to see a ginger, a blonde and two raven haired people. They sit at the booth next to me and start talking and laughing.

Next thing I know, Pop comes over and sets down my milkshake. "Thank you." I hand him a twenty. "Ma'am the bill is only $5." I smile at him. "Keep the change." He walks away smiling and I start drinking my milkshake.

Once I'm done, I head out to my truck and start driving back home. I drive past the Whyte Wyrm again and look over. Something about it pulls me in. I want to go there but it freaks me out too.

I keep driving home anyways and find my dad passed out drunk already. I start walking back to my room and notice a box on his bed. It's left open and there's pictures strewn across the bed. I go over to one and see a picture of my dad standing with a group of people and they're all wearing Southside Serpent jackets.

I go to my room and put the picture on top of my suitcase. I change into my pajamas and go to bed, thinking of the serpents.


I wake up early and get ready. I put on a pair of ripped black jeans, a cropped white t- shirt and I put a red and black flannel around my waist. I throw on my white sneakers, grab the photo and hop in my truck. I drive over to the Whyte Wyrm and it's surprisingly full. I park my truck and build up the confidence to walk inside.

It's dark and reeks of alcohol. I walk over to a nice looking girl at the bar. "Hi. I'm y/n." I hold out my hand for her to shake. She smiles awkwardly and shakes it. "Toni. Toni Topaz. Not to be rude but what're you doing here?" "I'm looking to join." She opens her mouth to respond but is cut off my a male voice that comes from behind me. "Toni who's this?" I turn around and see a younger man. "I'm y/n. I'm looking to join the Serpents." He gives me a look of suspicion. "Why?" is all he asks. "My dad was a Serpent." I hand him the picture. "You must be John's son." I smile. "Yes that's me. Now what do I have to do to join?"

Toni speaks up. "You see that girl over there?" She points to the stage where there's a girl dancing on a pole. "You have to do that. It's called the serpent dance. It's sexist, I know, but it's easier than what the guys have to do." I turn to the man. "So I'll come by later today and do the serpent dance if that's okay." He nods. "Whatever works. I'm FP by the way."

"Bye FP. Bye Toni." I walk out to my truck and head to the store. I have to get something appropriate for the dance.

Once I'm done at the store, I head over to Pop's for lunch. "Hey Pop!" He smiles. "Hello! Y/n, right?" "Correct." "And a strawberry milkshake." I raise an eyebrow. "Wow you're good."

I sit at my booth from yesterday and look out the window. That same group of friends walks in and sits in the same booth as yesterday. Pop hands me my milkshake. I sit quietly and sip on it when the raven haired girl looks over at me. She stands up and walks over. "Do you want to come sit with us?" I smile. "Sure."

I sit next to the blonde and the raven haired boy. The ginger and the raven haired girl are across the table. The blonde speaks up, "I'm Betty. Next to me is Jughead. That's Archie and that's Veronica." I smile. "I'm y/n. I just moved here." "Are you going to Riverdale High?" I look down at my phone where I wrote everything down and I frown. "No, Southside High."

All of their smiles drop and it becomes an awkward silence. I stand up. "Well I should be leaving. I have things I still have to do today." I wave. "Bye."

I hop in my truck and go back into the Whyte Wyrm. "Hey Toni." I call out. She turns to me. "Hey y/n. So you're actually going to go through with this?" I smirk. "Yup. Now where can I change?" "Right over there." She points to a door to my right.

I head in and change but cover in up with a wrap skirt and a button up. When I walk out, Toni raises her eyebrows. "That's not exactly what you're supposed to wea-" I cut her off. "It's a surprise."

I go onstage and start unbuttoning the shirt to the music. I unwrap the skirt and let it fall to my feet along with the shirt. The whole time I'm dancing, I can sense a pair of eyes always on me. Once I'm done with the dance part, I pick up my skirt and wrap it up again. I grab my shirt, throw it over my shoulder and walk off right as the music ends. I head straight over to Toni an she hugs me.

"You did amazing! Now go wait over by the stage cause they'll call you up to get your jacket." I walk over to the edge of the stage and FP walks up.

"Can we get a round of applause for y/n l/n?" Everyone claps. "Now can Miss y/n please come up to the stage?" I walk up and realize I'm shaking. He has me turn around and he slides my jacket on then whispers in my ear. "Great job."

I walk off the stage with my new serpent jacket and head back over to Toni. "Well I guess I'll head home. Bye Toni." "Bye y/n." I wave and get in my truck. I drive back home and go straight to bed.

Sorry my stories are kind of sucky. Or really sucky. Whichever works. I have another story too if you want to read it. Savior...

I'll stop talking.

Love you


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