•Chapter Two•

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I get up and throw my h/c hair into a high ponytail. I put on ripped black jeans, a white v- neck, combat boots and my serpent jacket. I put on some foundation and bright red lipstick. I grab my keys and my phone off the counter and head out to school.

I see Toni standing outside with two other guys. I get out of my truck and walk over. The guys whistle and I do a little turn. "Hey Toni." "Hey n/n." One of the boys holds his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Fangs. This is Sweet Pea." I grab his hand and shake it. "I'm y/n."

The bell rings from inside. "Well I gotta go get my schedule." I say. "I'll come with. I can show you around a bit." Sweet Pea responds.


"And this, is your first class." Sweet Pea finishes. "Thanks for the tour." I smile at him. He is kinda cute. "Well I should head to my class. Bye." He smiles back. "Bye."

I walk into the classroom like I own it and people stare. I slide into a seat in the first row and kick my feet up on the desk. A guy in a Ghoulie jacket walks up to me. "That's my seat." I look up at him. "So what?"

He steps closer. "Whatcha mean, so what? That's my seat." I take my feet off the desk and stand up. I lean over the desk so my face is close to his. "And what're you gonna do about it?" I see his arm twitch so I wait till he starts to punch and duck in the nick of time. I see his other arm twitch again so I grab it and punch him straight in the nose.

I sit back down and prop my feet up on the desk again. "I'll let you find another seat." He glares at me and sits in the back of the row.

After class I slowly make my way out of the door so that Ghoulie doesn't see me. Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs are waiting for me when I get out. I hear them whispering about something.

"What's all the whispering about?" I ask. They turn to me. "We saw Malachi walking out with a bloody nose. Did you see anything?" Toni questions. "Oh yea that was me." I laugh. They look at me with stunned faces. "Malachi is the leader of the Ghoulies. Why did you punch him?" Sweet Pea asks.

"Oh I was in his seat and he threatened me." I respond casually. They stand there shocked as I sassily walk to my next class.


The rest of the school day went pretty good. I didn't see Malachi at all after our incident.

"So I say we head to the Wyrm." Toni chimes. I frown. "I have to finish unpacking everything in my room. I still haven't done that yet and it's been three days." "We can help. We'll go the the Wyrm after." Fangs suggests. "If you want to. You can follow me."

I climb in my truck and drive to my trailer with them following me on their motorcycles. When we get there, I head up to the door and freeze. I think, There are probably beer cans everywhere. Oh god I should not have brought them here. I turn to them. "Could we do this another time?"

They frown. "Well we're already here and you said you need help." Toni reminds me. I mentally beat myself up as I respond, "Oh yea. Come on in."

We walk in and just like I thought, beer cans are littering the floor. My dad is passed out on the couch with one that is half gone. I usher them to my room.

"Here it is." I say quietly. Tears are welling up in my eyes. "It's not much." Everyone stays quiet, unsure of what to say about my dad. Toni walks up and pulls me into a hug. I start sobbing in her shoulder and Sweet Pea and Fangs hug us, too. We stand there for a while until I calm down. I lift up my head so I can wipe my eyes.

I sigh. "Alright let's get to unpacking."


I'm laying on the bed, about to fall asleep, as Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs sit on the ground at the foot of my bed and talk. I had changed into sweatpants so I could be comfortable. We finished unpacking everything and I'm not even sure what time it is.

"Y/n?" Toni calls. I don't even respond. I'm too tired. My eyes flutter shut and I feel myself drifting off. I feel my blanket being pulled around me and a kiss on my forehead before I fall asleep.

I wake up and look at my alarm clock. 5:00. God, I don't have to be at school for another two hours. I throw on black ripped jeans, a blood red t- shirt, my serpent jacket and combat boots. I put my hair up in a bun, grab my phone and keys and head out the door. I decide to go to Sweet Water River.

I sit by the water for a while and I hear leaves rustling behind me. I turn around and see Malachi and a few other Ghoulies standing there. One of the Ghoulies hands Malachi a roll of tape. I stand up and the Ghoulies grab me. Malachi grabs a piece of tape and puts it over my mouth. He gives me a big grin and punches me right in the temple, knocking me out.

I wake up bound to a chair with a piece of tape over my mouth. I look around to find Malachi sitting in a chair next to me. He grins when he sees me. "Well would ya look who's finally awake?" He walks over in front of me and puts his hand on my leg. "Are you ready to have fun?"

I glare at him and go to kick him but my legs are tied to the chair. "I'll take that as a yes." He hisses. He starts to undo the button of my jeans and I panic.


When I get to school, I don't see y/n anywhere. I go up to Sweet Pea and Fangs. "Have you seen y/n?" I ask. They both shake their heads.

"How about we go check her trailer?" Sweet Pea suggests. We hop on our motorcycles and drive over. We knock on the door. No answer. "Did she get kidnapped?" Fangs asks. "She's probably fine. Let's go look for her." I respond. We split up to search the town. Fangs gets the Wyrm, Sweet Pea gets around the school and I get Sweet Water River. When I get there, I see her truck. I walk over to it and look in the windows. I see her book bag. She must have stopped here on her way to school, I think.

I text the boys. 'I found her truck at Sweet Water River.' It doesn't take them long to show up. I take them over to the truck and show them her book bag. "Oh my god we're so stupid!" I exclaim. "Why?" The boys question.

"I have her phone number. I could find a way to track her phone." I go on my phone and track hers. "She's at an old warehouse. I'll get the address. You guys follow me." I say as I walk towards our motorcycles.

I get on and start driving to this warehouse.


Okay love you❤️


Lover not Hater (a Sweet Pea x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now