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She sat on her chair with her legs on the table, her smile cold and heartless but she was satisfied. The bastard who had dared to steal from her knelt across her, his face bloodied and his mouth sealed tightly. He knew better than to beg, it only made his situation worse...way worse.

She carried her silver revolver from the table, she smirked, her favourite. She laughed maliciously, who would think that 15 years ago she ran away from her home after bloodily stabbing her father multiple times in his heart, she was only ten then, too young to be a murderer but that was what he made her...a murderer.

She opened her door quietly, her father's voice could be heard. He was angry and drunk and once again her mother was at the receiving end, her mother's cries of pain broke her heart and she could take it no more.
She bravely walked down the stairs to save her mother, she just turned 10 just the day before so she believed she was old enough to stand up for her mother like she had always done for her. She walked in the direction of the kitchen where the sounds were coming from. She opened the door quietly and saw her father abusing her mother who was lying on the ground crying, it was the same plot, the same setting but the twist was the knife her father gripped tightly in his hand, it sent fear pumping into her veins and before she could think, she stood in front of her father, her small hand pushing him back to prevent him from harming her mother.
The stench of her alcohol filled her nostrils and her father's blood-red eyes were fixed on her in anger. Maybe there was once a time when Balogun ogunseye was very handsome with dark skin and dark brown coloured eyes and a tall figure but right now he was like the devil's incarnate.
''You'' he spat angrily ''you're the reason why I am like this, you're the spawn of the devil sent to torment me" his eyes grew more cold and deadly "my life was perfect before you came, I was happy, I had a job, lots of cars, I was rich. People envied me but had to come and ruin everything, everything I worked, I'll ruin you" Rose watched in fear as her father rose the knife as if to stab her but surprisingly she was pushed to the wall and watched in horror as he stabbed her mother instead. Blood flowed rapidly from the cut in her mother's stomach. Rose ran to her side, hot tears flowed down her cheeks
" Mommy, it'll be' said you'll never leave me..." she continued sobbing as her heart broke the more, she put her hand over the cut and tried to put pressure over the wound but it was useless as her hands were soaked in her mother's own blood
"Rose..." her mother whispered sadly " I'll always be with you, even in death, always be strong and don't stop fighting, never stop fighting for what you believe in. Don't allow other's choices to dictate your own life...I believe in you and now all you have to do is to believe in your self and don't forget..." she coughed lightly "I'll always love you" and with those parting words, Rose watched the life leave her mother's eyes.
Rose knelt down by her mother's dead body and cried out her heart, she looked up and saw her father horrified face and hot anger rushed through her veins...he caused this, he killed her mother. Without thinking she removed the knife from her mother's stomach and walked towards him with a look enough to bury a man alive. She ran towards him and he didn't have time to think before the knife was plunged deep into his chest. He fell down on the ground and she grabbed the knife and kept plunging it in his chest until blood flowed from his mouth and he was dead but she didn't stop, she released all her anger and sadness on him until she was tired and had no more tears to shed. She stood up and looked at her hands, the hands of a murderer, the blood of her mother and her father were mixed on her hands. She walked towards her mother's dead body and removed the necklace her mother always wore, a crescent-shaped pendant dangled on it and she put the necklace around her neck. She didn't wait for the police to come, she didn't stand there and mourn, she opened the back door and ran, ran into the darkness, ran for her freedom.

Now here she was, at the age of 25, running her own mob and gang all around Africa. Her mother would be surprised she thought as she looked down at the necklace she had never removed. She turned her attention back to the man in front of her awaiting his death, she grabbed the gun and put in the bullets, she smiled coldly, there was once a time in her life when she would never imagine herself handling a gun but here she was holding it like a pro. She pointed the gun at the man and watched his eyes widen in fear, it was time to put an end to his misery and she didn't think twice before firing the gun at his head. The man slumped and died, his blood splattering on the map behind him, the map of Africa because she was the Queen...The Queen of Africa.

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