Chapter 4

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The wind blew at her face as they drove back to the headquarters, there were a lot of unanswered questions that filled her mind, why did Samuel try to dupe her? That wasn't his usual method, she had done deals with him before. If you gave, he delivered.

"How is he?" she asked Jacques who was seated beside her, her men had taken his car to take care of the dead bodies, Jacques took a look at the limp form of Samuel whose hands and legs were tied and a thin white material was used as a blindfold and another one to cover his mouth

"He should be okay" he replied "the tranquillizer won't lose its effect until another seven hours" she nodded her head slowly before pressing the call button on her car

"Yes, boss?" Santigo's voice came from the receiver

"Jacques and I are taking a detour to a club downtown, I need to have a drink, drive the truck back to the headquarters, I don't want anything missing from that 27 million dollars or the drugs we carried back, understood?"

"Yes boss" he replied before the receiver went dead and she drove towards town and luckily the windows of her car were tinted so no one could recognise her.

"I need to use the bathroom," Jacques said suddenly as they reached mid-town,

"You've got to be kidding me" she replied as she parked at a rundown restaurant, he carried the black hoodie under his seat and the fake black-framed nerd glasses she offered him while trying to brush his normally spiky hair in case there were any security cameras around. He opened and closed the car door quickly before putting his hands in his pocket, pulling the hoodie over his head and walking care freely to the restaurant. She rested her head on the headrest with a sigh as soon Jacques entered the restaurant, she was tired, she was tired of this life, she wished she had a normal life like all those women that went shopping with their friends and had nothing better to do than to gossip, she laughed at her thoughts, there was no escaping, once you were in this life there was no going back except by death and she was stuck in this life ever since Tony, her godfather had found her in the forest 15 years ago

She laid on the cold hard forest floor, hungry and tired, she had run out of food a week ago and her only sweater was torn around the edges from running in the forest. She was tired and felt like dying, she was only 10, and she wasn't supposed to have these thoughts, hell she wasn't even meant to be in this kind of situation. She started to cry, she had lost hope and strength, until she heard voices and they were coming towards her, maybe it was the police, maybe they had seen her parents' dead bodies and had come to take her to jail. She couldn't go down like this, she had to fight. She managed to sit up a little before a bright light was shone in her face

"p...p...please don't hurt me" she whimpered fearfully as she covered her eyes "I didn't mean to do anything wrong, I promise." a strong hand landed on her shoulder and she winced, the light was moved away from her face and she saw a man with warm dark eyes staring back at her with a sad smile on his lips, three men stood behind him, they looked dangerous and able to kill.

She whimpered softly and curled into a ball in fear

"Hey there, we're not here to hurt you," the man in front of her said

"Are you the police?" she asked quietly, the men behind him started to laugh loudly at her question and she curled up again in fear, the man noticed this and shot them a harsh glare before they stopped laughing abruptly. He looked at her again before replying

"No, we're not, we just happened to be passing what's your name?"

"Rose" she replied calmer than before well Rose,

"Can I call you Viper because you're as fast and strong as one" she nodded, happy at being complimented

"Well Viper, how would you like it if we gave you a new home, with some good food, new clothes and a clean bathroom" she looked at the man with great care, could she trust him, she had only met him today and he happened to be passing through the forest so late in the night, it was suspicious but she had no other choice, if she stayed here, she might die soon, having her mind made up she nodded slowly.

The man smiled widely "smart girl, no need to be afraid, I'm just going to carry you, you're too weak to walk on your own." He knelt down and placed one of his strong arms under her legs and his second one under her head as he carried her bridal style, his broad chest felt warm and she laid her head on it with a sigh by the way viper, "my name is Tony and its high time you got some sleep, don't worry I'll wake you up when we get there" and for the first time in a long time, she slept with a smile on her face. She never knew that was the decision that would change her life forever.

She sighed again with her head on the headrest, what the hell was taking Jacques so long? Finally, she saw him leave the building and walk towards the car, he opened the door and quickly sat down before closing it quickly

"Sorry" he apologised "surprisingly, there was a line" she nodded before putting the gear in drive and driving towards the bar, not knowing the surprise awaiting her.

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