So. . .

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I'm going to be going on a break for awhile. Please don't worry about me but I am really depressed rn. And I self harm and I just really need a break cuz I can't find motivation to do anything really. I mean I can't keep my room clean and my parents are threatening to take away BTS concert tickets that I payed for and sell them on eBay. But I still can't find motivation to do it I have a hard enough time getting out of bed every morning and acting like I am okay every day. And I have volleyball tryouts this next week and I feel like I am going to completely fail. School is also starting really soon for me and acting like I am okay and trying to fit in there is just going to be even harder on me. I will try to keep you guys updated tho cuz I know you will worry even if I don't want you to. Well at least I feel you guys semi care about me, but that's just wishful thinking k guess.

That's all. Remember I love you guys!!!

Admin infires37 out 💜

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