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This is a story I made based off the album Wings by BTS. I did it for a creative writing assignment at school.

Summary: a girl goes into a coma and wakes up after a strange turn of events

    I was just an ordinary girl, or at least I thought I was. To everyone else I was different to say the least. I am a very empathetic person. I love my parents so much, but they don’t love me. I’ve never really truly accepted who I am as a person. I’m very introverted, I hate people. I grew up around the piano. I loved it at first, until my parents started yelling at me when I didn’t practice. I always lied to them about it, lying just came naturally to me. I lied way to much though, and I eventually got caught. I was punished, severely. I was then supervised during piano practice by them both. When I messed up they would cut me. But I eventually grew numb to the pain. After I graduated middle school and went into highschool, I still played the piano, but my parents didn’t force me to play. I now did it for my own enjoyment, but the matter of the fact is, is that it hurts. The memories of when I was younger flood through my head, I remembered the pain. But the pain didn’t hurt anymore. The pain that hurt me so much when I was younger, didn’t hurt anymore. I was cut so many times, over and over that I grew to enjoy the pain. The pain that would hurt anyone else, I grew to enjoy. People would always tell me to stay away because they were scared of me. I have always had this weird obsession over drawing one single thing over and over, it was the only thing I ever drew, four circles. Not connected, just four circles, one was plain black not a perfect circle either. The second was black and white with two angles going through it. The third was black and gray and looked like it had paint dripped all over it. And the fourth was black with a slight gradient towards the bottom middle. I never knew why I always drew it, it was just a habit. Like it had been carved into my brain since I was born. The one other thing that I was obsessed with is the number 37642, written exactly like that in numerical form. It’s just a special number to me for some reason. Everyone thought I was insane because no matter what the assignment was I would incorporate the number 37642 or those four circles. People at my school thought I needed to go to a psych ward, and so did my parents. They thought I was insane too. It drove me crazy when I would try to explain to people that it’s just something I do subconsciously, but they would never listen, they would just say that I was crazy and that it made no sense at all. But to me it all made perfect sense in my head after one crazy little incident that happened.   

    It was just an ordinary day, I was walking home from school, but then I thought someone was following me, so I decided it would be best to take a different route than what I usually do. So I started to walk a bit faster and changed directions, but the person was still following me and they looked like they were closer to me than before. So I decided to stop walking and ask this person what they wanted, but before I could I felt a sharp pinch like pain in my neck. I turned around and saw a man with a mask on. I felt him pick me up and the last thing I heard him say was,’ Sorry, but this is for your own good.’ then I blacked out.

    I woke up and my eyes went wide at the stinging pain in my neck. Then I remembered what happened with the man in the mask. I sat up to hit the light switch thinking I was in my room, but then the lights suddenly turned on. I wasn’t in my room that’s for sure. This is a room I had never seen before in my life. Out of curiosity I decided to say, “ Hello.”

    And to my surprise a voice in my head responded, ' Hello. It’s nice to have some company for once.'

    I jumped out of shock and asked, “ Who are you? Where am I? And what do you want?”

    The voice then responded,’Well in simple terms I am a very evil being. You are in a special place that you will eventually find out what it exactly is. And as for why you are here well that is quite simple actually. You are here because someone else who has been here thought that you needed to be here as well. Don’t worry though because you will be fine, as long as you obey and follow along with my plans for you. You will see your family again as well, but I honestly don’t think you care about them. So I will leave you to it. Goodluck!’

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