First freshman writing assignment!

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So this is my first writing assignment as a freshman.. And I feel very proud of it and how it turned out!

So I want to share it with you all!!


So the writing assignment was to add an ending to this story (the story is called "The Lady or The Tiger") and anything could happen you just had to end it. Because the original author left it at a cliffhanger...

So this doesn't give anything away on the actual story except the main idea really so it doesn't spoil anything.

Please please please read through it all I'd really appreciate it!! uwu

Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it...The heavy door creaked open with a loud eerie sound, but to the shock of all the people, including the king himself, nothing happened. No bells started ringing and neither did a hungry tiger come out. The man just stood there dazed, confused, and yet the slightest bit happy.

He was trying to decide what to do, to run away from the door as far as he possibly could, or to go inside the gaping, caliginous door and examine what was inside. It was a hard decision and he didn’t know which one of his choices to favor.

The crowd was completely silent, not a single thing could be heard. The only thing the man could hear was his racing heart and slow, paced breathing. He was still going over his choices in his head when the door abruptly slammed shut violently and the arena was filled with a loud boom. The man jumped back and fell to the ground with a harsh thump.

He quickly lifted his head up slightly to look at the now closed door, he was wondering “How did it close?”. He knew for an obvious fact that it wasn’t himself who closed it. He then proceeded to look around the arena at the floor and saw that there wasn’t another single person on the floor, except one body other than himself.

His thoughts ; however, were interrupted by many horrified screams, but the one that stood out the most was the scream of the King. You could distinctly hear the difference between his screams and the rest of the people’s screams. The crowds screams were only filled with horror, but the kings screams were filled with agony.

The man quickly hurried over to where the body laid, but when he got to it his face turned as white as fresh, untainted snow and his body went stiff. Right in front of his very eyes laid the body of the princess, whose body was inanimate, pale, and rigid. The man’s eyes immediately filled to the brim with tears, the salty liquid then flowed down his cheeks, then over every crevice of his neck and collarbones.

The heartbroken, devastated man then fell to his knees and gave out a deafening cry.  The people who thought that the King’s scream was filled with pain were in for something else. The young man’s screams were filled with heartbreak, devastation, misery, regret, affliction, sadness, pain, and melancholy.

He felt broken. He felt numb and cold. He felt so many devastating feelings all at once, yet at the same time he felt none. He was lost and confused, this all just seemed like some nightmare. He was fine with the trial, he would rather be killed or be forced into marriage, as long as the princess was okay and safe, then he was happy as well.

But now that she’s gone he doesn’t have the slightest idea of what to do. He wants the ache in his chest to be gone. He wants the loneliness to disappear. But most of all, he just wants to be with her, his light and life, he just wants to have her back. So he does what needs to be done.

He walks over to the only unopened door, the one on the left, and out comes the ferocious tiger. He blinks his eyes slowly, lets one last sob wrack his body, then looks over to where the deceased princess’ body lay.

He breathes out and says, “ Do not worry my love, I’ll be with you-”

His voice was then cut off as the tiger bites into his torso, his blood splattering everywhere, but at least the last thing he saw was where the princess’ corpse laid.

He died with a smile on his face.

So I now it's dark but that's my writing style so uwu

Thank you for reading I love you all!!!

Admin infires37 out 💜

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