Week Seven: Memories.

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📍Seoul, South Korea 🇰🇷

"Baby Come here for a second," Jisoo pats the spot next to her, she was laying on her side, admiring Jennie who was sitting in a chair next to her bed.

Jennie slips into the small hospital bed next to her, being careful not to mess any medical equipment.

Tucking her hands under the pillow she faces Jisoo, taking the opportunity to memorize every detail of the angel in front of her. It feels like one day it'll just be gone...and she could never live with herself if she forgot what Jisoo looked like.

But how could she ever forget something so beautiful?

Jisoo was perfect down to the very last crease of her lip. There was nothing anyone could say or do to convince Jennie otherwise.

"I have something for you." Jisoo says quietly. Reaching under her pillow she pulls out a white envelope, Jennie's name written in perfect calligraphy along the front.

"What is it?"

"Open it."

Taking the delicate envelope into her hands, she's unaware of numerous things. Jisoo's words would cause her more pain and love than she thought possible. It would give her reassurance, yet scare her at the same time.

Carefully opening it, she pulls out a letter. Her brown eyes scan across the words. They glisten with each new sentence until her tears soak into the pillow.

Jisoo watches all of it.

She wonders what it's like to be in Jennie's shoes. To be sitting in this hospital each and everyday watching your fiancé slowly fade into nothing but a horrific illness. To sit in that chair everyday telling yourself that it's going to be okay, but with each passing day even you stop believing it.

And it's getting so very hard.

No one ever told them life would be like this.

No one ever told them that it would hurt this much.

But who can they blame?

As a parent your job is to prepare your child for the world. But how could their parents possibly have warned them about a pain this great?

Clutching the paper in her hand Jennie wishes that it wasn't this hard. She wishes that her and Jisoo were still the same little kids who's only worry was picking a suitable favourite animal.

Dear Jennie,

Do you remember that time in second grade when the teacher asked us to draw our favorite animal? We didn't know each other, but you sat two seats in front of me. I took out my crayons and began to draw. I'm pretty sure I only used one color though, which is pretty unrealistic because no animal is really only one color. Unless it's an ant or something, but who's favorite animal is an ant?

Anyways, I was busy drawing when the boy sitting next to me grabbed my paper and started making fun of me for drawing a duck. He went on and on about how ducks were stupid and anyone who likes ducks was probably stupid too.

Do you remember what happened next? I do.

This short little girl with hair as dark as charcoal whipped around in her chair and began yelling in a language I had never heard. She walked back to the boy, ripped my drawing from his hands, and then proceeded to make fun of him for the fact that he had drawn a fish, since apparently the only thing worth noting about fish was the fact that they get flushed down the toilet.

This feisty, little girl then continued to hand me back my drawing, wink, and went back to her seat.

When I craned my neck to see what animal she had drawn, I noticed the paper was blank. And I became sad because I figured she didn't have a favorite animal, and everyone should have a favorite animal.

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